Looking for permanent job in Lisbon

My name is Kirill, I'm emigrant twelve years living in Lisbon. I'm enough experienced in retail sales. I worked as supermarket sales assistant in Lisbon at PingoDoce, in France at Intermarché and in St.Petersburg at MAXID0M. After I came this year back in Lisbon I've been staying out of job for nine months here. I'm subscribed in fiftheen recruiting agencies such as Adecco, Kelly, Randstad, Talenter, Timing, Eurofirms etc but they cannot find me job. All those pretty young recepcion-girls don't reply at all or provide me with their unic same to Randstad's answer as if they have any candidate with stronger profile. Sometimes these recruiters call me to partake their 'competition' when they leave me behind pushing their favourites forward. I'm also looking for fit job with internet but I've never met on-line anouncement 'sales assistants're required' except pleanty of fake posts spread all-over net they used to benefit from.

As I noticed most of job-offers are distributed among national community-members here. So for me it's hard to find job since I don't belong to no one of them (non-living as community my expats never help to each-other). It's no chances to be hired as sales assistant with job-agency cause nobody want to pay for job recruitment services. Here every manager has his team and when they need anyone they choose candidates from their nearest circles. My opportunities are limited since I've no close friend that could recommend me to work at any field of my interest.

Hi Kirill,

If you're fluent in several languages (English, Russian, Portuguese, etc.), why not try one of the call centres in Lisbon? It's a temporary option until you find something better.



Main Call Centers: (you can do several filters, by location, local council, business activity,..)

https://empresite.jornaldenegocios.pt/A … ho/LISBOA/

You should contact the company directly, without going through a human resources company. Companies' websites usually have job offers.

Many of the ads from human resources companies you've mentioned above, are just show offs /fake offers, just to make their presence felt in the media...

Thanks, I uselessly tried many times. All those call-centres are isolated streams of bohemian all-by-protection youth building their pyramyds. Like spoilful cyber-k-board-pressers weaving their networks they play their wicked games.

Ok, with an attitude like that and such a vision when facing adversity, it's hard to find work, indeed...

Hi 👋

I a woman from Algeria looking for contracts please.

I have experience with children in crèche nursery. And diploma Éducateur.

I have been working in the kitchen assistant.

Support manager in pizza hut UK

I have diploma.

I have been working Hospital NHS

Care home 🏠 is Will

I have experience in cleaning offices. Home. School. Company in the UK

My language is English. French language.

Arabic. Turkish.

Thanks 👍

Lila Boughazi


This is not a recruitment centre. Nobody here gives you a job / work contract to you. Don't repeat the same question in different threads. And it's nice to answer those who take care of answering you, OK?
