Door was installed but now is in doesnt look right


Door was installed but now is in doesn't look right and want it replaced? this was 24 hours ago. I have signed a contract but the door is not what we want!

What is, our rights and we have a 10 warranty for the door.

Any help would be grateful


Does the contract stipulate anywhere that changes can be made? Even if it's not in the contract the company may be nice enough to change it for you.

Other than that, even if there is a vendors general law that one can return something or have a change with in 30 days or 24 hours, if the company is not willing to honour it then it could be a struggle through some legal means in order to get them to obey your wish.

I would contact them and explain to them about it and see if they are nice enough to honour your wish and replace it with a more suitable door to your liking.


"doesn't look right" is a little weak/vague! Is there something wrong with the door and/or the installation of it? Or is it a purely cosmetic issue, and you simply don't like it?

It might be a tough sell if you picked the door in the shop... and now you don't like it. And I'm guessing the installer made you sign something to indicate the door was installed to your satisfaction? It does not sound like a "warranty" issue, so that won't help you.

I doubt from a legal perspective you have much to go on. There's a cooling-off period for health insurance, but is there one for doors?

Still, if you don't ask, you don't get. You might be able to pay them extra to allow you to pick a different door, and have that one installed instead.