Apply for family reunification in UK or in Belgium?

Hi all,

I'm trying to understand basically what is best to go for family reunification?

My partner and I are finally seriously considering moving to Belgium, we're married and we'd married in Belgium. We have now been living in the UK for 8 years, I'm a British citizen. My partner is Belgian.

I'm trying not to take a long career break - basically I'm trying to get a job before we move.

If we decide to move to Belgium and I enter Belgium solely on my passport, then I will have to go through the application whilst in Belgium, hoping that I receive the orange card swiftly.

Or if we decide to move to Belgium and I apply for a family reunification visa from here, how would that work? His job allows him to move to Belgium without any problems and his salary will meet the basic thresholds etc.

If I apply for a family reunification from here, does he already need an address and salary slips from Belgium? Because if he does, even with this solution, I'd have to take months off work.

Hopefully someone has any experience.

Thank you in advance for any of your help!