
Worked for a part time job

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I work for a company in bahrain since 1 and half year. I took up a small job and got it done for another employer for some commission.

My current employer knows it and he is blackmailing me by saying he will file a case against me if i resign from my job.

I want to go back to my home country but my employer doesn't listen to me and just keeps threatening me with some quotations (proofs) that I made and gave to other client.

What can I do in this situation.

I know that can't work outside my company but I was not been given my salary on time and had 2 months delay and had no other choice.

Please let me know what to do..

See also

Job offers in BahrainStarting a business in BahrainWorking in BahrainWorking in ManamaDoing Business in the GCC. A Simple Guide to the Westerner.

Resolve the issue with your employer.  You can do nothing else especially if there is proof that you worked somewhere else.

However, if you don't plan on coming back to Bahrain, just leave. He cannot stop you. Once you leave, get a lawyer to file for recovery of unpaid salary.  Your visa violation and unpaid salary are two different cases and not linked to each other.


I have a question related to the same post. Could you please tell me if there is any time frame for my employer to file a case against me ? He has the documents dated 4 months back.

I have found some papers related to this same company and they have been doing illegal documentation for employees as in copying our signature and making employment bonds which are not signed by us.

Can I use these documents and sue him or reverse blackmail him...?

This is so not me but I don't have any other option. This guy is making me work against my will.


Please advise @xtang


There is no time frame as you asked. If your ready to fight in court, have all the time and resources then go ahead and file a case else move on, this is my advise.


Before filing any case, make sure that your own documents are in order. This means you should have had a valid work permit when you worked for this employer. If you didn't, don't bother.

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