Property and Refuse Tax

Hi Good evening.

I have been paying the property and refuse tax over the past few years by way of visiting the local town hall.

someone suggested to me that this tax can be paid online i.e. using the Easy Pay Bg App.

Just wondered if anybody had paid by using any other method other than a visit to local town hall.

I look forward to any replies.

John B

I haven't tried paying council tax via epay, though I believe I could. I do pay for my electricity that way and it's very easy, both to set up epay and to pay bills.

I don't think epay works for every council area, but it's worth checking. There should be an account number on your council tax bill. If you set up epay and  put that number in as a new bill, it will either recognise it, in which case you can use epay or it will say it's not a valid number.

I can't use it for my water, for some reason, that has to be paid at the post office.

Thanks for your reply,  I'll sort the number and giv it a try.

Best wishes


If it ain't broke, don't fix it. :-)

I'm a big Epay fan, but I have not figured out how to do property tax with it. It seems to require info that I don't have to hand - especially as I don't receive any paper bills. If you've received a paper bill, then I'd guess it's easy-peasy.

Some municipalities have websites, for example is very good, and I pay annual taxes for city apartments and our vehicles online (direct payment, not using Epay). Kazanlak (our village house) and Bansko (holiday studio) I'm still doing by visiting the tax office. This is pretty low-tech, but it works well.


Yes you can .. there was a thread on here where lots of members commented about it ..



It's not through the lack of trying, but I think i've quite exhausted all the numbers on the various documents to no avail.

I wonder if there might be a technical problem ?

I think give it another try in the New Year

Happy Christmas to All.

It could be that your municipality is one that doesn't work with epay. Maybe ask a neighbour?

I've been trying to pay my main municipal tax bill in Sofia via Epay for the past 6 years.  The system won't accept any of the numbers on my bill, and every year I end up queueing at the municipal offices yet again.  No-one can work out just WHY it can't be done, but seemingly it just can't.  Utility bills and municipal taxes on my other properties are fine, but not this one...1f644.svg


Sofia, like my city of Plovdiv, has a municipal website (sofia dot bg) with online verification/payment of your property taxes (apartment, cars). Just needs one visit to their office to get your PIN, thereafter you can do it all online.


That's the theory - but the practice isn't like that. It works fine for my other properties, one of which is also in Sofia, but not for our main property.  Every year we try to find out why not and every year we end up with the standard "This is Bulgaria" response. 1f644.svg


Ah... Maybe your main property is a house? And maybe it's owned via your company rather than in your own name? I'd guess the municipal websites only display personal tax obligations. But otherwise... that's Bulgaria. :-)

    @JimJAh... Maybe your main property is a house? And maybe it's owned via your company rather than in your own name? I'd guess the municipal websites only display personal tax obligations. But otherwise... that's Bulgaria. :-)       


Yes, it's a house - and in my own name.  No-one can understand what the problem is and no-one can work out how to fix it either; it's a Bulgarian mystery!