Ltd company in Bulgaria

i am looking for an accountant to run a ltd company in Bulgaria.

Currently we are exploring the feasibility.

One aspect is the manager social contributions in case the manager will not be eu resident. what is the situation in this area?

also, the scope of the company will be to get reinvoice in order to remit the income to the manager/director/owner of the same.

in terms of vat, billing non eu customers need vat registration?

what about billing eu ones?

the work is remote non eu based.

any accountant out there to help?


You need a corporate lawyer for the establishment,  and then accountant to proceed forward after the registration.

Almost catch your idea of the strategy,  but you are using wrong terms. :)

hi thank you for reading,

can you please elaborate on why i am using wrong terms?

has anyone in similar setup?

thank you!

@kikkoman tokyo

As I am Corporate lawyer it was easy for me to understand your idea.

I would not call providing you a salary "reinvoice", but you are right. Sometimes small part of salary and then dividends can be better strategy.