Info on health services

Hello everyone, I just discovered this forum about Tunisia, the country where my husband and I would like to move to in two years.  in fact he is retired but I still work.  we have already been to this country as tourists twice in the past in Hammamet and Djerba.  we decided to move there for various reasons: proximity to the country of origin (where we have small children and grandchildren);  the economic convenience for tax exemption of the pension also for me who am an employee of the PA (the only country together with Australia and Chile).  However, I am interested in knowing how the healthcare system is organized (something I have read is practically done privately because it is cheap).  but which city is best for those with chronic health problems to go to?  Hammamet?  Thanks for the info


Hello and welcome on board !

Feel free to read the following articles to know mora bout the healthcare system in Tunisia : Healthcare in Tunisia

In which city or region would you like to move ?

