New members of the Philippines forum, introduce yourselves here - 2024

I am food a blogger from UAE.

Hello Michael-Cisnero,

Welcome to 1f600.svg

How can we assist you please?

Feel free to ask your questions if you have any.


CHeryl team

Welcome Michael.

@Cheryl thanks for the warm welcome Cheryl

Hello all.

I'm 61 years old from the US and making my second trip to the Philippines this coming week and staying for 3 weeks.  Planning to return in January when I retire and stay as long as I am enjoying my life there.

I've been staying in AirBnBs but would like to find a cheaper longer term living situation when I return in January.  Both of my trips have been to CDO in Mindanao.

Welcome Bannor, sounds like a good plan. It's relatively easy to find 6 month leases that will be a lot cheaper.