New to this forum and into

Hello everybody, My name is Mike, well Michael, but my mother only used that when i was in trouble, lol  I am new to this expate site, and have spent several weeks just looking and reading the questions and some responses. and i thought it was time to hang up my hat on the fence, and offer people my advice

my wife whom i married 40 years ago and was an old school Filipino, we built a holiday home and eventually retired there, we have many many friends and turned our holiday home into a beech resort, which i add is very successful.  we both had seen many tragedies and may love storied, (well you would owning and running a resort) also we went through all the pit falls of running a business there.

if there is any question i can help you with, i will stay in this forum, just send me your question, and i will try and answer it as best i can.  giving you the knowledge i wish i had when i started dealing in the Philippines 30 plus years ago.

take care all of you.

best regards  Mike

Welcome to the forum Mike, have fun and share.

What area did you settle in?

Cheers, Steve.

Hi Mike. Im marco. We already wrote together in my previous post.  Im new here too.  Im glad to help and answer if i can.   Have a good day.
