New members of the Bulgaria forum, introduce yourselves here - 2024

Hi all!

My name is Miguel and I'm from Switzerland. I don't live in Bulgaria but I work for a Bulgarian company in Pavlikeni and love it there! There is just a great vibe in this country, beautiful nature, and the people are simply lovely and welcoming, it's no wonder so many foreigners are looking to settle here.

For anyone interested in moving to Bulgaria or a new career opportunity, my company is looking for a Sales/Marketing Director to join our fantastic team. Expats welcome! Please DM for more information, or forward this message to anyone you know who might be interested.

Sunny greetings


Hello and welcome !

The best way would be to create an advert in the jobs in Bulgaria section of the website. We will be pleased to share the advert in our newsletter to reach more members.

All the best


Hello Everyone

I am a Danish guy close to 50 yeras old moving to Bulgaria in October 2024. For starters I'll be renting an appartment about 45 minutes southeast of Haskovo. I like tinkering with DIY, cars and motorcycles and look forward to living in Bulgaria.

I hope to make new friends and network, so if you are in this area I'd be happy if you drop a message.

I speak english and danish fluently, some basic german and absolutely beginner spanish.

Regards, Kristian

Hello kristianh,

Welcome to 1f600.svg

Thank you for the intro!

Should you want to discuss any topic with other members, feel free to start a new thread on the Bulgaria forumto ask your questions.


Cheryl team

@Cheryl Thanks Cheryl :-)

@Julien Just joined but I am not very good at such things.

Philip, if you have any specific questions about moving to Bulgaria, just ask in a new thread by clicking the "New Topic" button. We're mostly nice and helpful!

    Philip, if you have any specific questions about moving to Bulgaria, just ask in a new thread by clicking the "New Topic" button. We're mostly nice and helpful!


But we DO like some fresh meat to chew on from time to time.... 1f60e.svg

@Julien b

Back to Bulgaria after living 34 years in the USA. Would like to meet my fellow Americans and if i can help with anything will be my pleasure.

Hello Nick409,

Welcome to 1f600.svg

We are happy to have you with us.


Cheryl team

Thank you. Your message is lovely.

I am so looking to being on my way. Going to see a caravan on Monday. Fingers crossed.

Hi, will be arriving Varna this year. Would love to meet new friends and know the city.


My house is in Chervena near Levski. Will I need to buy a generator for emergency electricity. It is a one bedroom house so, a little cottage. What size generator do you recommend or would I need one?


Power cuts are a fact of life here - you'll quickly get used to them.  We have a big wired-in gennie but I've never used it, even when the power has stooped in the coldest winters.  Ii I were you, I wouldn't bother with one.

However, if you decide to have a wood-fired central heating system (bad idea, in my view - aircon is better and cheaper) you'll need a chunky UPS, to avoid blowing yourself up...

Thank you for your advice. This website is so handy to be part of.

@Andrew Newlove

Blow-up houses? I think the Israelis have beaten you to that idea....1f60e.svg