If I were working as a digital nomad, I would want two reliable and independent forms of Internet connectivity. My first choice for a primary source would be Starlink. Unfortunately, Montenegro has erected high barriers to the service. If you check the Starlink service map, it will perpetually say: "coming in (some date in the near future)." It has said that since 2020. The terrestrial-based service providers mostly route through Serbia (do a traceroute and you'll see ".rs" routers in the path), so political conditions could result in loss of all service (which my be exactly what the politicos want) -- putting you out of business. And, by the way, all the ATMs and credit card services would quit as well, so bugging out may also be a challenge. You could find yourself like the lyric in Hotel California: "You can check out any time you like ... but you can never leave."
But what do I know? I was only one of the two US cyber security incident responders to the last cyber attack in August 2022.
Just some caveats...