
Retiree discounts

Last activity 19 February 2024 by TonyFF

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HI all,

There are a lot  of retiree discounts in Bulgaria  for which  proofs are needed( for ex. transportation, theaters, excursions, museums etc.) .

If one has a non EU pension - what is the procedure to follow  in 'REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA


НАЦИОНАЛЕН ОСИГУРИТЕЛЕН ИНСТИТУТ)  to get a proof that one is retiree. I heard that  a  foreign  pension needs to be apostilled/translated and shown to them.

Do you know the procedure please? And what document the agency  gives as proof?


Why should your foreign pension (which is likely considerably higher in amount than a BG person's pension be considered in giving you discounts? 

I would understand that if a service provider wants to give a "senior citizen" discount, which you just prove your age via an ID card. However, trying to draw an equivalency between a foreign and local pension seems unreasonable. 

When I lived in Romania, my retirement income was several times the average Romanian monthly salary, let alone the average pension.  I couldn't imagine trying to ask for discounts in good conscience when local retirees had so much less income to live on!


I think that every retiree has right to discounts no matter where their pension comes from.

Neither you nor I can change any injustice in the world.

This response is insulting and should be removed by the administrators of this site!

philip Mckay

Well said tony

Freedom of speech and ideas should be encouraged not stifled by a minority on here..

Not everyone has a gold plated pension and even if they did they have got it mostly through years of work and come out the other side to enjoy there golden years.

The suggestion that a foreigner should be exempt from age related discounts borders on racism which I find saddening .. 

This site exists to help foreigners in whatever country you choose as your next home... Countries like us .. we bring prosperity to the countries we settle in.  We pay our taxes spend our pensions.  Make friends and often because of our age give work to local tradesmen.

Will you face discrimination.. yes sometimes but to see it amongst your own online community  just for the sake of it I find to be rather appalling and I would think puts people off contributing in case they get attacked like this.

If you have nothing good  to say then say nothing.

So on a positive note on this very worthwhile subject..

Borovets offers for senior citizens of any race or country  a season ticket for those who are 75 and older for the sum of 100 Lev unrestricted use of the ski lifts  ..  it just cost me  1000 Lev for Monday to Friday ski pass ...

Now that's what I call a discount 😁

philip Mckay

And yes I want it but not yet lol I'm only a mere whippet snapper at 64 😁


Nice one Philip 👍


    I think that every retiree has right to discounts no matter where their pension comes from.
Neither you nor I can change any injustice in the world.
This response is insulting and should be removed by the administrators of this site!


Why should it be removed? I can't see how it's insulting at all.


I think senior senior discounts are open to all regardless of where your pension comes from. But proving your retiree status might be a little harder for foreigners. In any case, I doubt they're big enough to have much of an impact on your life.

I did check the Bansko ski site for discounts, and spotted their similar offer. My reaction was that they might have well have said it was free tickets for over-90s. I just can't see there are many 75+ skiers carving up Bulgarian resorts. But maybe one day you folks will see me and @philip Mckay raving about what a deal our old boy ski passes are. :-)

As to our friend @romaniac, I can see exactly where he's coming from. I'm not rich, but I can't bring myself to demand that my GP charges me the 5 lv rate for those that are publicly insured. For a good doc, even 25 lv (his private rate) is a pittance. And there's no way I'd get on a Plovdiv bus and start trying not to pay the 1 lev because I'm a senior citizen. :-)



I just show my proof of the DWP letters we get every year

And credit card statement showing how much you can borrow.

A bank statement..showing how much balance

And EHIC..card.

I am a long term resident.but I have to renew in 2 yrs time.


I'd say that most of the permanent "expats" in BG are here because whatever money they have goes further than it does in their own country, whether it's from remote working, a pension or whatever.  Pensioners here get a pittance, as we all know, and Bulgaria is also the poorest country in the EU. To expect to come here because our money goes further than it would at home and then think that the country should subsidise us because it subsidises its own poorly-paid pensioners is the height of arrogant self-entitlement, in my book - especially as many UK pensioners here also sponge off the NHS etc by either keeping a house in the UK or using friends'/relations' addresses, without declaring that they are no longer resident there.  Pensioner subsidies are because 400 leva a month isn't enough to live on, not because they've simply managed to survive to pensionable age. 

Let's not be greedy, for goodness' sake - this is Bulgaria, not Benefits Street! 1f610.svg




Thank you for your sensible statements.  That's the same point I wanted to convey to TonyFF (and/or others)

I was not insulting or attacking anyone.  I asked a reasonable question and made what I think is a fair statement, which TonyFF seems not to want to answer (nor he is obligated to).

As for @philip Mckay moaning about freedom of speech, racism, discrimination, and the purpose of this site, sorry, but you're off the mark on most counts.  Also, you don't get to decide who may or may not comment here.  If you want to discuss it further, PM me.

TonyFF … rvice/2882

My wife found the above  document on a Bulgarian web site that proved one is retired.

We still do not know the procedure  how to get it.

The reason I asked this question here is:  if anyone has obtained it to describe the procedure.

( since noone knows we will contact NOI and  i will  let you all know about your rights).

My wife has worked hard  all her life in the USA ( and only  worked  4-5 years in Bulgaria.) She will never claim any benefits in Bulgaria since her pensions are from the USA. As a Bulgarian citizen she has the right without feeling guilty to any discounts the country has to offer. And so do you too. It is a matter of principle, it is a matter of respect to all retired people no matter where they come from. Thank you Philip Mckay for thinking alike:)

TonyFF … zavedeniya … _tr_pto=sc

and here is a good article about retirees in Burgas in Bulgarian and translated by Google


just google translate it since the link for translation is " under review"

the article name is:

A paradise for pensioners - municipal officials are considering cards for discounts in shops, theaters, restaurants



It's here - but I doubt a foreigner, or a Bulgarian with a foreign pension, will get one...



In December in Sofia we both tried to buy senior monthly transportation passes for Sofia transit. They told us we need to go to NOI and  to show them our pension documents( apostilled and translated) -they will give us  documents that we are retired. And then we can claim senior discounts. It was a long story to deal with NOI.   But we plan to do it in the near future.Instead  we ended up getting personalized  discount passes.

Dealing with taxi drivers/or driving in Sofia is annoying.

Public transportation especially in Sofia is fast and excellent and I highly  recommend it.

If you are in Sofia/live in Sofia here are all the passes  listed on the Bulgarian transportation page. You can see that it is worthy to get a senior pass especially if you legally qualify for it. … 1393/fares





on sofia traffic dot bg


on sofia traffic dot bg


What are you posting? None of it makes sense!



[link under review] !!!!!!

prices of tickets in Sofia Transit but you  keep blocking  them … 1393/fares



this is list of prices

on the web page

you keep blocking the page to display correctly


    HI all,
There are a lot  of retiree discounts in Bulgaria  for which  proofs are needed( for ex. transportation, theaters, excursions, museums etc.) .
If one has a non EU pension - what is the procedure to follow  in 'REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA
НАЦИОНАЛЕН ОСИГУРИТЕЛЕН ИНСТИТУТ)  to get a proof that one is retiree. I heard that  a  foreign  pension needs to be apostilled/translated and shown to them.
Do you know the procedure please? And what document the agency  gives as proof?


Someone's pulling your leg! I have an "Old Codger's Travel Card": you don't need to show anything about being retired, with or without an apostille or translation - just your residence permit or passport.  As it says on the website, if you're 68 or over, you qualify.  You just top it up for as many months as you want, the more you want, the cheaper it is per month..


I asked my Bulgarian in-laws and they said the requirement is correct when you buy transit passes. This pertains to younger retirees.


[link under review] !!!!!!

prices of tickets in Sofia Transit but you  keep blocking  them … 1393/fares-@TonyFF

I've block nothing, the reason why links are not showing is that they maybe consindered as spam. They are then revievied.


    I asked my Bulgarian in-laws and they said the requirement is correct when you buy transit passes. This pertains to younger retirees.


Not sure how old you are.



It only applies to Bulgarian retirees who are covered by the Social Insurance Code - and it's not "younger retirees", per se: it's only relevant to those who are caught by the annual adjustments of the retirement age and length of contribution required for retirement under Article 68 of the Code.  For foreigners, you become eligible once you hit 68..



I do not know the law. You are probably right.

The discounts have never been on top of my priority list.

I have not bothered  but  I do plan to consult my Bulgarian lawyer soon in regards to that.

The reason I started this thread is to hear what experience people have on the topic.

philip Mckay


I read many of your posts on here and I think your latest was enough to convince me that you are not such a nice person .. private message to someone like you is more than i could bare .. I'm retired now and having to speak to people like you is a choice for me 😁

I choose not ...  I think maybe you spent to much time in Romania!  And yes I know many Romanians because my wife used to know many in her caring job .... I see the similarity no


I read many of your posts on here and I think your latest was enough to convince me that you are not such a nice person .. private message to someone like you is more than i could bare .. I'm retired now and having to speak to people like you is a choice for me 😁
I choose not ...  I think maybe you spent to much time in Romania!  And yes I know many Romanians because my wife used to know many in her caring job .... I see the similarity no

    -@philip Mckay

That doesn't sound like a post from a "nice person" either, to be frank. He/she is just as entitled to have, and voice, their opinion as the rest of us.

May I share a little advice with you? A wise older member here once said (in fact earlier in this very thread) "If you have nothing good  to say then say nothing."....I think you'll recall who that was 1f607.svg

philip Mckay

***.  Don't worry I'm not long for this site ..  just got to update my  last  2  months expenditure for those that are interested and I'll be gone ..  I can see why there are many members but not to many contributors.   Have a nice day Jim

Moderated by Bhavna 7 months ago
Reason : Not suitable
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Please don't let me delay your departure - your contradictory posts about "not stifling freedom of expression" while you're busy trying to do exactly that have long ago lost any amusement value.

There certainly are enclaves here in Bulgaria which are natural habitats for those of your ilk and although it's useful for the rest of us to know the areas to avoid, they're already rather densely populated. I wish you success in your choice of eventual destination - I'm sure that your prospective neighbours will be unable to believe their luck..... 1f642.svg


@philip Mckay

Well, you've made so many valuable contributions to the forum, it would be a pity to see you go. Or anyone else posting on this thread. After all, all perspectives and contributions are welcomed... although a few folks (and hopefully they know who they are) might be encouraged to express their views a little less brusquely. :-)

Covid, I rather understood the controversy... but senior citizen discounts I'm quite mystified that it would give rise to such strong opinions. :-) I'm aware that there are some senior discounts, and if someone qualifies they're well within their rights to claim them, even if they do have a larger pension than the locals. Conversely, if they choose not to, whether from a moral perspective, or laziness, that's OK too.


I totally agree with Gwyns post. It saddens me to see other expats having what appears to be a "dig" at a genuine request for information on a valid point.  Nobody on here holds information pertaining to an individuals financial situation. Not everybody has the right to a state pension, for whatever reason, let alone a full state pension ~ the same way in which not everybody has a works pension to fall back on. Everybody's financial situation is different. Surely the purpose of this community is to help one another? Not to throw accusations around and make one feel guilty for asking how they would get additional support that they could be entitled to.  :-(


What Gwyn and Jules said. Though for those on a large income quibbling over pensioner discounts may seem petty or wrong, not all expats have large incomes from investments or private pensions. Even for those living only on the UK state pension, people who moved pre-Brexit need to remember that post-Brexit movers get a very different deal.

I'm not ashamed to admit that we'll be on a far lower income than I'd like. I just discovered that for various reasons that won't apply to most Brit expats, I'll lose a significant chunk of my UK pension income when we make the move. I'll need to keep working online long into my retirement, and growing veggies and fruit won't be a hobby but a necessity. Once I get past being able to work we'll need to draw on the invested capital we'll have from selling our UK house, even to live fairly simply.

Will I still pay the bus fare to town rather than trying to claim my pensioner reduction? For as long as we can, yes. But if the day comes we can't, I'll be grateful to know that the option exists.



And I also have no problem mentioning that I have no private pension or investment income - my ex-wife saw to that when we split up, and then kicked the bucket a few years later, leaving it all to her "lodger".  However, it doesn't matter how poor we feel ourselves to be - I doubt that any of us is struggling on an average BG pension.  Don't believe the BS from the government about the minimum pension levels here - that doesn't jibe with what real people actually receive, as my in-laws are only too well able to demonstrate. - and even they get more than the miserly amounts that some old folks are supposed to survive on.

That's all by the bye though - what gets my goat is the entitlement on display, and the apparent assumption that because a foreigner may have retired early they deserve a subsidy from the government of the poorest country in the EU.  There are age-related discounts that are available to everyone who qualifies and no-one begrudges those of us who claim them (apart from some jobsworths who decide that their made-up rules take precedence over the law) but expecting to shoulder aside Bulgarian pensioners who are in serious need of every stotinka they can save because we want to get our snouts in the trough as well is simply greedy.  We're self-invited guests in this country and it wouldn't hurt us to remember that some of our hosts would love to get the kind of pensions which we regard stingy; it's Bulgarians taxes which pay for those discounts and our meagre input from VAT on the goods we buy isn't worth mentioning, especially when we import goods from other parts of the EU to save ourselves money...



Ouch! That's an even bigger disruption to your financial plans than what's happened to me, and so unfair.

I do agree that even the poorest Brit in Bulgaria is likely to be comparatively better off than the average Bulgarian pensioner.


Too much steam about these retiree discounts. Come on people! Relax. And to the censorship- allow more diverse points of view!!!!

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