Can I enter Belgium with Orange Card?


I'm Japanese, living in Belgium with an orange card (my husband has a single permit). Although I expect to receive the F card around next September, I must return to Japan to attend my best friend's wedding in April (during the orange card period). I know the orange card holders cannot leave Belgium during this waiting period without emergency reasons like a family member passing away or medical purposes. So it would be helpful if somebody could answer the following questions.

-   How can I reenter Belgium with the orange card?

I am clarifying with the Migrant Office how to enter Belgium with the orange card, but I haven't got any responses. Did anybody have similar situations and experiences managing reentry with the orange card?

-  Is there any way to shorten the F card issuance period?

One of my friends who has lived in Belgium for more than 20 years previously told me that some communes have options to shorten the F card process with extra charges. If I can get the F card before my departure to Japan, all concerns will be solved. It sounds unrealistic, but if somebody knows about this, that would be really appreciated.

Thank you very much for all your help!

Hello, how did it go? i have the same situation with my brother's wedding and I was wondering if I can apply for return visa. my orange card already expired so I have to extend it but it is so annoying, I didnt hear anything yet from the government.

I have the same problem. I want to visit my sons in South Africa but due to the Orange card i cannot. I cannot leave Belgium for 5years or neither my sons can visit me. I have a full time working contract in Belgium.

Hello, have you gotten any information about this?

i have the same issue here, need to leave to gonto my coontry,but my 90 days have expired. thanks for yiur answer 🙂