Family reunion visa with low income

Hello everyone i was not active on this page for few months because my husband's visa got rejected.

I was depressed and i am back again.

So my concern now is they set a new rule like changing the net income 2,048.58

Eventhough i work full time 38hrs my net income is like 1,975 after tax. So i am really confused whether should i apply or not. And it's really hard to find a another job. Is there anyone who recently applied with low income?


If you don't meet the income requirement, you are likely just going to face another rejection.   What is the confusion?

Hello Nayan Lama,

Was the previous rejection also because of the financial requirement?

Having income below the reference amount does not automatically lead to a rejection of the application for family reunification.

This is written on the immigration website.

For more info please visit: … ubsistence

@Nayan Lama

Hi. I am so sorry your spouse visa got rejected.

When you got the decision, did the embassy gave you explanation or asked you to provide some other details before the decisions out?

Since based on the IBZ website the new rule is effective per December 2023, so if you applied on May 2023 then I think your applications shouldnt get affected.

If they clearly state the reason of the rejection + you already provide your condition to them and they still denied it, so I guess the only option is to improve your income.

@Nayan Lama please how many months salary did you submit to the immigration during the first application


It was 1700.


On November 28 they send me email saying that the studio i was renting is occupied by 6 other peiple you have to prove that you live alone. Because i lived in co - housing. And second they asked me for loonbrief of past 7 months and told me to make table of income how much i spend per month so. They gave me 1 month time but i couldn't prove it and i finally got my own place but it's already to late.

So i am little bit skeptical if i should apply or not with the income i have right now 

@Nayan Lama

So we cant apply for Family Reunification if we stay in a co-housing property? That worries me since me and my wife rent a co-housing house and still waiting for our visa decision.

As for your case, I suggest you to ask directly to the embassy to check if they can give you any alternatives/exception. Personally, I think its better to keep trying rather than have to live separately from our spouse.

    @Nayan Lama
So we cant apply for Family Reunification if we stay in a co-housing property? That worries me since me and my wife rent a co-housing house and still waiting for our visa decision.

As for your case, I suggest you to ask directly to the embassy to check if they can give you any alternatives/exception. Personally, I think its better to keep trying rather than have to live separately from our spouse.


Well I think it depends on the situation.  If the authorities see that 6 people (for example) are registered at an address, and they aren't related, and the living space isn't sufficient for such an amount of people, it isn't going to look good for an application.  I've seen situations where a landlord was providing documents for foreigners that said they lived in his apartment, for a profit of course.  The problem was that he did this for nearly 100 people!  Obviously, all those people were not living in that apartment.  It was fraud.

That might be the concern of the immigration authorities.



I don't think so because my owner used to live upstairs and i use live downstairs studio. There were 5 members upstairs and including me it was 6. In family composition they showed 6 people living so they didn't agree and told me to prove that i lived alone. But the studio wasn't registered in stadhuis. That's why i had to move to search another appartement they gave me 1 month time but i wasn't able to prove them because i got my now appartement really late so my visa got rejected on Feb 12.


Yes i have seen in the website but i think the main reason for me was that i was living with people whom  i wasn't related. And the studio wasn't registered in stadhuis. Also i send them all my bank details the only awaiting document that i had to submit was the family composition which i got really late. The time frame was 1 month to submit. My bad luck i got my now appartement really late so it took a long time so it got rejected last week Feb 12.

@Nayan Lama

You have a registered rented habitation. Your income is not sufficient, but if you live cheap and not spend much and if you can prove that you come by with your income to support you both and have a little extra, I think the immigration office would positively consider it.

Its just my opinion.

If you could do extra job one or two days a month (flexijob if you qualify for it), I think you'd have enough income to show to the immigration office.

If you have no other plans, I'd say reapply.




Ok i am going to reapply in Summer. But its hard to find flexi job so i will reapply with the job i am doing right now. Because i don't have any other option. I hope i get positive this time fingers crossed.