Land Values

Can anybody give me a guide as to the value of land per sq/m?

What kind of land?  Regulated, ie buildable, land is worth much more than agricultural land, and there are several grades of agricultural land, all with different values.  Location is also very important - land in/close to the cities, especially Sofia, is much more expensive than in some two-horse mahala out in the sticks...

Field to keep a horse.  Thinking 1 -  2 acres


Make sure that you give careful consideration to security - certain folk don't hesitate to steal horses and you're unlikely to see a stolen one again...

Been thinking about that Jim, he's quite an expensive horse and attracts a lot of interest from the villagers when he's out and about.   I will ensure security and bring him in at night.


I'd say you need him to be locked away whenever you leave the house, not just at night - horse thieves here are sneaky, and quick, apparently.

He is very secure on my property.  His stable opens out onto a small paddock which turns into a deep mud bath in winter.  Hence the need for a field to exercise him in and turn him out into.

Depending where you are and how much land you need, buying a derelict village house on a large block might be an option, though the house area would probably need to be fenced off for safety. In the north east, a 1/2 acre + piece of land with a wreck used to go for about 1000 EUR a couple of years ago, but will probably cost more now. Agricultural land seems to be listed for ridiculous amounts.

Asking at the mayor's office if they know of anything suitable might be an option. Some villages also still have  common grazing land for village home owners. There's often a horse and a cow or two grazing up behind my place. But that might not be an option for a valuable horse who could be a target for thieves.