English Teaching at home when married to a Vn national


I am living in Vn with my Vn wife and children. I have a 3 year TRC.

We live in a small village and wish to start teaching English at our home to a few local children, (around 10), about 3 hours a week. This will be a chargable service, but would fall less  than 4 million VND per month and the payment is to my wife's bank account, not mine.

I hold a TEFL and a Degree, I am also a native english speaker.

This is not an English centre it is more just home tutoring.

I understand the regulations on WP exemption for people married to a Vn national but all the regulations details is working for companies or centers. So, my question is do I need to apply for a WPE or not?

Is there any regulations about teaching at your home as detailed above?

I understand the whole "Tea money culture" but my wife and I like to be inline with the law.

I hope someone can help.


@thaypatrick1 why are you only allowed to make less than 4mill dongs?  can you work for foreign companies for more? Excuse me, I am somewhat ignorant about this (and Im looking for virtual assistant who can speak English.)

I am living in Vn with my Vn wife and children. I have a 3 year TRC.
We live in a small village and wish to start teaching English at our home to a few local children, (around 10), about 3 hours a week. This will be a chargable service, but would fall less  than 4 million VND per month and the payment is to my wife's bank account, not mine.
I hold a TEFL and a Degree, I am also a native english speaker.
This is not an English centre it is more just home tutoring.

I understand the regulations on WP exemption for people married to a Vn national but all the regulations details is working for companies or centers. So, my question is do I need to apply for a WPE or not?
Is there any regulations about teaching at your home as detailed above?

I understand the whole "Tea money culture" but my wife and I like to be inline with the law.

I hope someone can help.



Hello thaypatrick1.

You might find some useful information in a thread from Aug2022, titled

"Teaching Pro Bono Publico, Pro Gratis, or Privately (one on one)" (Link).


Hello Caphe51.

I believe member thaypatrick1 may have just used that 4 million figure as a sort of "...say, for example..." amount(?).

I'm unaware of any min/max earnings threshold regarding foreigners and business permit authorizations (whether in tandem with VN citizens, or not). I'd be happy to hear from members with knowledge/experience with this.

@Aidan in HCMC.

Hi, yeah thats kind of right. We live kind of off grid so we dont want to work more than this. So the 4 mil figure is the maximum we would probably work as we prefer a more natural / family orientated form of living.



the 4 mil figure is the maximum we would probably earn as we prefer a more natural / family orientated form of living. we only intend on teaching for about 3 hrs a week thats all. Its a lifestyle choice.


From what the Ministry of Education and the Department of Labor of DaNang has stated to me no paperwork is required for an "Exemption Work Permit".  I was told that I was allowed to instruct up to 5 individuals at my residence.  I've been instructing at my residence since 2014 and have never had a problem with the government, local police or immigration.  No fees, no coffee $$ payments ever.  If you desire to work for a company or education center, three documents are needed from you and only two from the employer (Form: Mau so 01/PLI), with copy of current license, and no fees.  Able to instruct/teach within 3-5 days and paperwork back to employer w/in 10 days.  This is what the Labor Department said me directly. and as I believe it is written.  I would speak with the authorities at where you live.  I believe this all changed back in 2021 and again another more recently (2023) relaxing still more the previous requirements.

I too have been teaching off and on out of my home (HCMC) sinse I arrived here in  January 2016. Never had a visit from any authorities - no paper work and no coffee money. It's never a bad idea to check with your local authorities but, to the best of my knowledge,  nothing is required.

@thaypatrick1 hello.  First, regarding what is a WP.- Generally this is a yes and no: Although the law says that foreigners married to vn citizens don't need a WP, we are still foreigners, and companies need to justify the quote of foreigners in their payrolls and inform to DoLISA you will be hired and also how long is your contract. 

In your specific personal case, you can start your own bakery if you want (on behalf your vn-wife, of course) without WP.

Second, regarding your incomes.- Vietnam is very jealous against "money laundering". As a foreigner you cannot receive money,  but fortunately your vn-wife is expecting just some tiny amounts , so, no problem at all.

Third, believe me: VN-Authorities love transparent foreigners. You must inform your plans to the local Comitee and they will be glad to support you in everything you need.


Hi, Thats great info, thanks so much