Spouse Visa and Right to remain in UK


Has anyone on this forum been through the spouse visa process and how long it takes to get British Citizenship?

I've read varying accounts citing either 3 or 5 years in total but wanted to seek clarification from either someone who has gone through the process or someone currently going through it.



First you get a spouse visa for 30 months  and 5-6k in costs and fees

You then have 3 months to extend this, pay another 5k to get you to 5 years after which you get ILR

Between year 6-7 this there is possibility to apply for British citizenship


Thank you for replying so quickly. I was hoping for a 3 year route instead of 5 but it is what it is. 🤷

Such a lot of money involved but worth it in the end inchallah.

@mcglen262 its a lot of money because they want you to bear the burden of bringing someone to the UK. so be 100% sure you want to bring the person here. remember the other thing as well - 'no recourse to public funds'. better start saving up my friend 

@glen262 also, when the 30 months is up, be ready to pay another wod of cash for the extension to 5 years.  i believe its around £2k. and dont forget the B1 test as well.

whats the lottery numbers for this week?

@mcglen262 have you started the visa application yet? what stage are you at?


My husband has several businesses in Morocco and because he will be back and fourth between England and Morocco, we just thought it would be best he applies for a spouse visa instead of a tourist visa every time he wants to come here.

6 to 7 years just to get right to stay and the rest just seems a bit much.

It's not about the money, it's more about how long it takes and the annoyance of the procedure.

does anyone here know what proof of residence the immigration office will require for a spouse visa application?

@mcglen262 Its 5 years for permanent residence and 1 year for passport. If your partner is going to be in-out of UK this will create problems in future for permanent residence.

ILR applicants must not have spent 180 days or more outside of the UK in any 12-month period prior to applying- This is a visa rule and covers any 12 months period. Example 3rd June 2024 to 3rd June 2023.

@MrT786 The residence proof I used for my wife's visa was tenancy agreement. You need to show a home address in your name.

@BensonHarrison i'm planning on renting a place when my wife comes over. will i need to rent the place prior to the visa application? if so, that would mean the place stays empty and im paying rent on it and losing money