Relocating to Singapore

Hello everyone

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to seek your advice regarding my upcoming trip to Singapore. As a tourist, I plan to visit Singapore next month with the intention of searching for work opportunities. My ultimate goal is to relocate to Singapore and make it my new home.

I have always been fascinated by Singapore's cleanliness, efficiency, and multiculturalism, and I believe it would be the perfect place for me to live and work. However, I am not sure if my dream of relocating to Singapore is realistic.

Could you please share your insights and experiences regarding working and living in Singapore? Any advice or tips you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Francis Lawrence Jr


Hello and welcome !

Please provide more details on your qualifications, job experience/field of expertise so that members can share some infos on work/job opportunities.



If you have the right education (recognised by the Singapore authorities!) and applicable work experience in a field where Singapore needs manpower, it is very realistic to one day find a job, live and work there.

But given long decision and hiring cycles, plus a lengthy process for work visa issuance, it is not possible to achieve this in a short visit (with a 30 days SVP or tourist visa). Furthermore, while not legally forbidden, job search during such a visit is frowned upon by the authorities and had lead to deportations and bans in the past - so be very careful!

It is far better to apply for suitable jobs at potential employers in your field of expertise from abroad, usuing job portals and email, and visit only if you are invited for a personal interview (and even those are usually done by video conferecing - at least in the first one or two rounds of shortlisting).