Looking for work

Hi my name is Dave, I just moved to cyprus with my family and I'm looking for work, I'm a qualified painter and decorater with some basic property maintenance experience can anyone help.

Are you a legal resident do you have a work permit... Sadly Brits are 3rd in the queue for any job here after 1st Cypriots and 2nd EU nationals.

With only the info you mention I can only say your options are limited for legal working here....

1. Self employed... You may need to prove that you have records and accounts etc for a period of time.

2. Find an employer who will offer a job

and they will be required to prove no Cypriot or EU national is able and available to do the work...  if he can do that he can then apply for your work permit.

Both require you to be legally resident

Given every trade person appears to be booked up for months and do not even return calls I think there are big opportunities for self employed anything. My car cleaner says he is fully booked for 2 more months lol. But there are hoops to jump thru. If you are not legally able to work then get professional help to be a sole trader. Good luck and I am sure you will be busy once up and running