Maximum validity for tourist visa for parents

I am writing to seek clarification on a couple of matters regarding visa options for my parents, who are planning to visit Belgium.

Maximum Validity of Tourist Visa:

Could you please inform me about the maximum validity period for a tourist visa for my parents( not maximum validity of stay) ? They intend to visit Belgium, and I want to ensure they apply for the correct visa duration.

Dependent Visa for Parents:

As I am currently residing and working in Belgium with a Type D visa, I would like to know if it is possible for me to initiate a dependent visa application for my parents. If so, I would appreciate any guidance on the process and the necessary documentation required for this application.

its depend of previous entries of EU zone and initiative of consulate.

In best case 2 years validity and 90 days duration. But this is best case.

Worst case they may granted a visa for their visit period.

Be aware that if your parents will apply for a family or friend visit you may have here residence. Otherwise they would apply as a tourist.

Good luck

apply for 89 days as its the first time.

Second question - the simple the answer is No. There are things like humanitarian visa etc but its super complicated procedure and no guarantee of approval.