French Spouse - Long Stay Visa (settlement)


I applied for long-stay visa for settlement and submitted my passport at Doha Qatar VFS office. Today I got an email Embassy is asking few documents. (Note: Before I have not visited any Schengen countries).

My French wife she is with me now in Doha Qatar on visit visa because I am working in Qatar. In Paris my wife she is living at her dad house with her family. Once I will reach there at Paris, initially few months or years I will live with her at her Dad house on my arrival at Paris.

Kindly please let me know in this case what I need to submit.

Moreover, for reference I have mentioned below mail which I received from French Embassy-Doha.

Regarding your France Visa , the French embassy is requesting for the documents below:

-Letter signed and legalized in the wife's town hall of residence in which she requests the issuance of a long-stay visa as the spouse of a French national to the applicant as part of a joint long-term settlement project in France

-Copy of all the pages of the wife's passport

Proof of address less than 3 months old in the name of the wife (EDF invoice or rent receipt for example)