What can do if employer refuse to issue IPA after EP approved

Hi ,

I would like to seek advice about my employment situation. I got job offer on early April and hiring company  find the agency to apply EP so payroll and offer letter come from agency company. My EP was pending more than 2 months after that Agency said they will withdraw current application and reapply with other entity as other applications also pending as mine. So they discussed with main hiring company which interviews and hired me then they send new contract with new Entity name with agreement of main company. My new EP was approved after 2 days with new entity. So agency sent IPA to me and also checked with main hiring company to confirm join date. At this stage, main company said their project which intended me to work is on hold and they need to find new project. I was really surprised about that situation. I am waiting almost 3 months to get EP approved and also was not able to accept other offers, moreover they agreed to withdraw long pending EP and signed new contract to reapply with new entity only last week and EP also approved after 2 days of application date , within a week of new contract signed date. What can I do for such situation, what can happen if they don't have project to assign me? Can employer easily withdraw EP IPA without proper reason?

please advice based on your experience

thanks in advance

I  am sorry for your situation, but I think there isn't much you can do.

The employer can ask MoM to cancel your EP at any time. MoM carries this out without checking the reasons and whether this is in compliance with your employment contract.

If it is not, you may be entitled to some compansation - check your contract for this. However, you may have to sue the employer in a Singapore court to actually get it.

In addition, most contracts stipulate that they are only valid if you get an EP for the job. Since yours is not yet issued, you may be out of luck here.

And under no circumstances can you force the employer to actually employ you now.

(Disclaimer: I am a legal layman, so you may want to confirm this with a Singapore lawyer!)

    I  am sorry for your situation, but I think there isn't much you can do.The employer can ask MoM to cancel your EP at any time. MoM carries this out without checking the reasons and whether this is in compliance with your employment contract.If it is not, you may be entitled to some compansation - check your contract for this. However, you may have to sue the employer in a Singapore court to actually get it.In addition, most contracts stipulate that they are only valid if you get an EP for the job. Since yours is not yet issued, you may be out of luck here.And under no circumstances can you force the employer to actually employ you now.(Disclaimer: I am a legal layman, so you may want to confirm this with a Singapore lawyer!)        -@beppi

thanks for your info.