Food prices and animal care


my family and i are seriously considering buying a property we have fallen in love eith in rural ruse region but have a few questions that i cant find much info on the internet.

i have seen the prices of food in the supermarkets is similar to the prices in the uk but have heard it is cheaper in the rural villages.

is this true and if so can someone please share the rough price of basics in the villages ie milk, bread , cheese veggies and fruits?

we are also hoping to keep horses our dog and in the future more farm animals.

what is the rough price of dog food , vet care ?

hay, farrier bills and horse vetenary care etc. they would all be kept on our land so no board fees please.

any experiences would be so interesting to hear

thank you so mich for reading 🌱


I hope it all works out well for you!

Unfortunately food prices in Bulgaria have risen quite a lot. If here in the UK you shop frugally using the lowest priced supermarket brands rather than well-known brands, a supermarket shop in BG can end up costing almost as much. You can keep an eye on supermarket prices using the websites. They do all tend to have good weekly specials and also loyalty card special prices which can help keep prices down.

Village shops probably vary a lot. Ours stocks next to no fruit and veg - everyone grows their own! My usual shop there would be a big tub of yoghurt, a loaf of bread, a lump of sirene white cheese, and a jar of lutenitsa, which will cost about 8 leva.

The best place to get fruit and veg is to buy what's in season and buy at the market. Our nearby town has a working bakery where the fresh baked bread is cheaper. Same with yoghurt, there's a shop for the local dairy which makes their own yoghurt.

Dog food can be bought at reasonable prices in big sacks from pet food stores, most towns will have several.


If you are going to have land, there will be a good chance it will already have some fruit trees already there. The cheapest thing to do is grow your own veg. It really is quite easy. I always think it tastes better as well.

Thanks for your sharing!

yes we will be planning to grow lots of our own fruit and veg but to start with we wont be and also curious for winter months and you know, if critters decide to eat our harvest 🤣 realistically we wont be self sufficient with growing for a while


Welcome on board, you'll find a wealth of information here😊

One important consideration is how you will secure a D-visa, unless you have a European passport, if your plan is to live here full-time.