Water Quality

Hi all,

If your squeamish stop reading now.

This evening my son took a cold shower as usual at this time of year and came in asking what were these small creatures crawling on his arms, upon closer inspection they were leaches, albeit very young ones.

Now this to me poses a problem and I need to know just what is the water company doing to ensure nothing is living in the water that is supplied to our homes, if leaches are in it god knows what else.

Does anyone know if there are EU regulations re supply of water and what they are so I can do some research myself on them before I make a complaint.

Then the other issue is does anyone know a filter that is not expensive to buy and then use going forwards that will deal with this problem. Thanks in advance. Ozzy


If there are animals as big as leeches in there, then goodness knows what else is lurking that you can't see.  Clearly, the purification system isn't working and can't be trusted.  You should be able to get the local water company to officially test the water for impurities etc - assuming that  you're actually receiving mains water; there's either a major and long-lasting break in the main water supply or it's coming from a well/aquifer.

If you can't get any satisfaction from the water supplier, you need to contact the Ombusdman: www.ombudsman.bg/en/p/online-complaint-580


Morning Jim,

Thanks for that info. For now i have written to the EU Commissions water office to see what legislation is in place to protect us all from receiving dirty water. They have 3 days apparently to respond to my questions so expect to hear next week giving the weekend is now present. I like to be armed with the gospel before i go see the water Company as must say am not too pleased. i expect that no treatment of any kind is and has never taken place to our supplied water which is a worry,  luckily we buy bought water for consumption.

I will also investigate the source of the water too as want to understand where it travels from source to pumping station to non existent water treatment plant etc…. before it gets to my tap, its just my nature to now be fully wound up and leave no stone unturned before i get grumpy with a Corp.

Will keep you posted re this.

Rgds,  Ozzy


Our house has a filter installed just after the water meter. It's pretty easy and inexpensive. I'd recommend you try this.

I'm curious how leeches even got in your water. My understanding is that Bulgarian mains water is chlorinated and fluoridated... and I doubt that leeches can survive in this. But I suppose some locations/properties might be getting more minimally treated water (e.g. from the mountain or a borehole). Where is your water coming from? And from which company? Most Bulgarian properties have their water direct from the incoming main, but some (because of pressure issues) might add a pump/tank.

My personal experience of Bulgarian water is good, and 100% leech-free. I've been here for just shy of 7 years, and I drink 3-5 litres of water every day. It's tap, not bottled, and maybe 25%-30% of this is boiled when I make tea or coffee. Our water is in Bansko, Plovdiv, and at our house near Shipka/Kazanlak.

That might sound eccentrically high, but I don't drink any sodas, energy drinks, or alcohol. I also get a full Ramus Lab blood panel once or twice a year, so anything unpleasant in the water would probably have some kind of impact. Even PFAS might have impacted my cholesterol or hormone levels by now.

The water in our part of Sofia was excellent for years; then they switched from the water coming down from Vitosha to a supply seemingly emanating from some Water Mafioso's khazi - it's disgusting, heavily-chlorinated, and leaves orange-brown stains everywhere.... 1f922.svg  The domestic water-jug filters seem to do the trick though.



Our supply is from the mains and i gather our lane which is on edge of our town is a spur off of the main town feed that travels down towards the town from the valley, someone i know in the industry states its is not treated which is worrying.

For now i will continue to research legislation before i do anything further. Yes we will be installing a filter of some kind, what type have you got and how often do you need to clear its filters and what expense.

Really tho in an EU country you shouldnt need to look at filtering the water for living things which is a disgrace and is now one of my missions to see it improves.

Rgds,  Ozzy


Bear in mind that we're living in the poorest country in the EU, and that all the (mostly foreign-owned) utility companies here prioritise profit over service.  A lot of us are here precisely because life is cheaper (and simpler!) and taxes are lower than elsewhere; I'm not sure that I want Bulgaria to turn into yet another bland, PC and over-regulated EU vassal state. 

Here in our poncy Sofia suburb, it's a cause for celebration if we manage to go two days without a power cut - sure, we moan about it, but actually it's a very small price to live in this country...... 1f60a.svg


Lol i have to agree in part with your sentiment. However water is key to me and my life, i am told the water Cos get paid plently to manage the water correctly and so they should, i personnally do not want to get ill from water supplied to my house because some bureaucrat decides to spend the money shall i say elsewhere….

Yes i can purify it etc… but it does grate me, i can live in a Country which has power cuts etc..but water is another level.

I see the Uk is suffering similar profit first safety last practices which is why people have fallen ill in one area and rivers are more polluted than they ever were is this what we want here , i think not …. hence the battle ahead.

Rgds Ozzy

A filter for larger impurities installed somewhere after the water meter, as Gwyn said, cleaned frequently, sounds a good idea. And filtering drinking water again with a quality filter to remove the invisible impurities.

I think you previously mentioned a well that was the local water supply, and you drew directly from it and saw leeches? It sounds more like a local issue, though of course it's still the VIK's responsibility.

As others have said, being in the EU doesn't make a country as developed as Western Europe. I consider needing to spend a little and have some inconvenience to make up for the shortfalls in the infrastructure in Bulgaria with things like water tanks, filter systems, and solar panels as the ongoing costs of buying a property at a fraction of what a house on land costs in our home country.

But yes, when the money is there to fix things and gets diverted into someone's pockets rather than spent where it should, it grates. Good luck with your battle!


Hi Jane, We will be installing a filtration unit and will be speaking to our local water engineer re this on Sunday.

i will let all know what one we install in the end in case you too decide on doing the same.  Im content as i said living in a country which is perhaps still growing in its infrastructure but its not correct to let locals suffer when theres money there to run things properly.

It has completely freaked my teenage son out and must say me too , as i said a while ago the water we filled our bottles up was from an outfall pipe which acted like a water fountain out of the hillside this came from the main incoming pipe that served the town, this was over 15 yrs ago and until now hadnt worried about it again as this is the first time we have noticed it in the 3 years we have been in our shack.

i will keep you advised of outcomes.

rgds ozzy