Anyone lives around our new prospective area shumen

Hi Everyone,

My name is Annie and my partner is David.

We are living in the Kardzhali region of BG and looking to move closer to the coast in the next few years.

I am hoping there will be more English speakers nearer the coast as where we live now it is a bit isolated for finding and making friends. 1f603.svg

We moved to Bulgaria in 2009 and had a lot of adventures finding our feet and making it feel like home.  I could not imagine going back to the UK now it would really be kicking and screaming if I had to go 1f605.svg.

Anyway I am happy to help anyone with sharing our experience living in Bulgaria and likewise if anyone lives around our new prospective area shumen, Dobrich down to Burgas, Yambol, sort of thing.  Please let us know how life is there?




Are you finding the locals there a bit stand-offish, or is the language proving to be a bit of a barrier?  It's interesting how some incomers prefer to live where there are plenty of their fellow-countrymen, while others have probably now earmarked Kardzhali as somewhere to add to their list of places to live. 1f600.svg

Hi Annie!

I think the regions with most Brits who socialise together are probably VT region, Yambol, and some areas near Burgas. Before we bought where we are, we visited VT region multiple times and there were a lot of villages with actively social expat communities.

Our house is in the north part of Dobrich region, up near the Romanian border. I know there are quite a few Brit owned homes in the area, as well as expats from many other countries, but it's rare to meet another Brit or even hear a British accent when we visit the nearest town. Unfortunately the two times I did hear Brit voices, both groups were complaining about local things, very loudly!

It's something of a Marmite area about an hour from the coast, very rural. We love it, others might find it too quiet. Our village is welcoming to incomers and though we haven't moved full-time yet, we're invited to all the local social activities. But the only place I've spoken to a Brit expat (a very nice guy whose house is in the next village) is on the flight back to the UK!


Our neighbours are all very nice. But I miss friends to chat with and our neighbours don't fall into that category unfortunately.


Hi Jane,

Thanks for writing and sharing your experience. It sounds very similar to where we live now and although we love the peace and quiet after 16 years I really miss some social life even if it's just a quick chat over a coffee for an hour

Hi Annie,

Were about 40 mins north of varna along the coast on edge of a town, a fair no of expats live around  and often you hear brits talking in the nearby lidl. happy to catch up if your over this way, the kettles always ready for a brew.

take care ozzy


We're really blessed - our Bulgarian neighbour is my age and has become a good friend, the coffee hours and come over for dinner and let's go shopping together type. Hubby has made Bulgarian friends too. I think the fact that we're a bit older probably helps. Though the village does have a decent range of ages, as with most villages the majority are post retirement age, both locals and expats. I can imagine if I was 40 something looking for friends my age, it would be more challenging.


Thanks Ozzy, If we come over your way we will drop in and bring some cakes to go with that tea :-)


Hi Jane,

Thats lovely you have that local friendship.

I am older, 57, but I do work fulltime and don't speak Bulgarian so both those things make meeting people and starting a friendship much harder. 

Most of the people we live amongst are Turkish and also have limited Bulgarian.  That said I spend 40-50 hours a week at work so really very little time to mingle locally.

Hoping that in a few years I can reduce my work hours and make the move to the coast where we can spend more time engaging.

I live in a village in the Pomorie municipality close to Burgas but I think I'm the only Brit in the village. Which getting on and living alone I do find difficult at times. I am picking up some Bulgarian slowly slowly.


Hi Kath,

I think I looked at some properties online in your area and it looks really beautiful there.

It can be a bit lonely on your own sometimes I agree. My partner is an international driver so he is home for 4-5 days then away for 2 weeks.  Sometimes though it's great to do what you want to do and not have to take other people's wants into account 1f603.svg.

Nice that there is the Internet nowadays not sure I would live here without it!

Drop me a line whenever you fancy a chat 1f609.svg