
Is my kenyan girl genuine or not?

Last activity 08 October 2024 by rasfahadkebra

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Hi all I'm matt.

I would really just like some advice.

To start I'm not currently in kenya but thinking about coming over to visit. I have been dating online with a woman from kenya for 2 months and everything seems good but I still have doubts. We started talking on a dating site but now communicate on WhatsApp we have video called a few times and sent pictures to each other and so on. We have a lot in common get along very well she has sent me video messages an voice messages and told me what tribe she is from and apparently that is a very trusting thing to do. She has never asked me for money but kind of implied it she just said I can contribute if I want but I don't have to if im not comfortable with it (I didn't send any money). But she has asked me a few times for my email which I find very strange and also tells me she loves me alot which to me is way to soon especially since we haven't met in person yet. It comes across as though she's trying to love bomb me and always says I should just trust her. Am I overthinking or should I be very cautious.Would really appreciate some advice. Thank you.



Unfortunately I don't think that you are overthinking this.  The 'tribe comment' is possibly a bit of a red flag to be honest, as people asking this question is a normal getting to know you question in Kenya, rather than a very trusting thing.

Depending upon your level of interest, it may be a good idea to travel there and meet her in person but I'd make sure that you arrange your own travel, hotel etc entirely independently. Possibly even travel there as a surprise. Meet somewhere neutral.......maybe a shopping mall.

So much can remain hidden online that I wouldn't go too deep at this point and I think your feelings about sending money are correct.  While there may be an element of her looking for a better life, possibly out of Kenya, your relationship should not be based on the thickness of your wallet.  Has she told you where she lives by any chance? Does she work?

If you scan the recent threads, there is a story from another person whose experience did not end too well - it reads as if he also met online.

As a positive for you, my wife is Kenyan and we have been happily married for 27 yrs.



Yes she has told me where she lives it's kiambu kenya and she does work she has her own online business which she has show me and I have seen and looked into it.

Llybi Setga


No normal person would ask for your email, I know very many Kenyan girls who don't even like checking their emails let a lone use it regularly.


Hi Matt,

Kenyan girl here - and partnered/married with family so have nothing to gain from advising you. I see several red flags, by the time in under 2 months she is already asking you to 'contribute', that does seem rather obvious to me as a gold-mining plan. Also asking for you to trust her when you have barely met and haven't known each other long is another red flag. You are not overthinking this, and it would be best that you keep your wallet veeeery close to your chest as you talk to her and don't share any information that you are uncomfortable with (probably including your email and any bank details). Also do not fall for any 'emergencies' that she may come up with (hospital emergencies, death in the family, eviction notice, etc.) that can also be a trend that some girls use to obtain money from foreigners under false pretenses.

I agree with the comments above and would say; plan to make a trip to Kenya (do not announce this to her prior) and also while at it insist on getting her home address and say you want to send her a package - then make a romantic surprise visit. Hopefully that goes well. The truth is sometimes you are chatting with a married woman and her husband may be aware/unaware, sometimes you may be chatting with a man - i've heard of several such cases. Even if things seemingly go well on your visit, you can pay for dates, Uber rides, etc. but for your own sake and clarity, limit the financial 'assistance' or amount of money you actually give to her. From this and also after continuing discussions with her over a long period, you will know whether this relationship is for real or if you are part of a get-rich-quick scheme. That said, there are numerous genuine biracial relationships that I know of, so we just hope you are in the right one. All the best Matt!



Matt, no offence...

But you will be playing with a proper girl who knows what she is doing. I was born in kenya and I know how these women operate.. Say for arguments sake you come to Kenya.

You could be kidnapped

You could be killed

You could be attacked in a brutal way..

And most of all. If she is a kikuyu... Run like hell... They love money.

Don't take this personally but am telling you from many experiences. If you need to talk to me over the phone just let me know.



Am also single and searching anyone wants to go for a blind date hulla me let's try it out



For the one part, since you can make random video calls and she's picking up then you have a real contact. Doubt is insincerity on your own part because your intuition ought to guide you on this path. My advice would be to ask the most relevant questions and I'm sure the right questions will provide the accurate answers you desire. For instance; ask if she's in any other relationship? When last she was knicked? If she has dependants; ie children?, and where her parents stay. You could insist on getting introduced to her parents online, that could prolly pull in the upper aged fellows into the picture and you could gain the clarity you require. Remember, trust breeds trust because it's a good thing to trust, and people should rather be innocent until proven guilty and not the other way round. Cheers Matt!

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