Family reunification visa reject

Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum and could really use some advice regarding my husband's visa application. Unfortunately, his visa was recently rejected, and I was informed that the main reasons were:

  1. Financial Stability: They stated that I'm not financially stable. I'm self-employed, but I forgot to include my income tax documents in the application. For the past two years, I have paid 12,000 and 9,000 in taxes, respectively. I'm planning to include them this time around.
  2. Living Arrangements: I'm currently living with my parents, and I provided a document stating this. However, they mentioned that my husband's name should also be listed in this document. Furthermore, the consular officer advised that this document should be "registered."

We are planning to reapply, but I'm unsure where or how to register the document that states my husband can live with us. Has anyone gone through a similar situation or knows what this registration process involves? Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you so much for your help.

@Anisha2001 I have also applied for a reunion visa for my wife, and I also live with my parents. When we submitted the application via VFS in New Delhi, we provided all the documents required by the consular service in Nepal. Our application is still being processed.

However, my wife later received an email from the embassy requesting two additional items:

  • A copy of the notary act for the purchase of a home and its registration.
  • Authorization from my parents stating that the married couple will live with them in Belgium.

For the second item, we asked the following questions to the embassy.

For the document "Authorization from parents stating that the married couple will live with them in Belgium," how should it be created? Can my parents draft it themselves and sign it, or does it need to be done through a lawyer in Belgium? Also, do you require the original document, or is a scan/copy sufficient?

We received this response:

Yes, your parents can confirm this themselves. The authorization letter should be duly signed by your parents and accompanied by their self-attested ID proof.

Following this guidance, I created the document myself, and my parents signed it. We also provided a copy of their ID with their signature (i.e., self-attested ID proof).

I hope this helps. Can you mention when did you apply for the visa & when it was rejected?

We applied on Jan 31, 2024, & are still waiting for the result.

Just to be clear, when you prepared the "Authorization from Parents" paperwork, did you simply draft and sign it at home with your parents' self-attested ID evidence, or did you register it anywhere formal or get it stamped by any legal authority?

We submitted the documents on November 22nd and received the decision on May 14th.

Please keep me informed about your application, if at all possible.

Thanks and best of luck with your application!

@Anisha2001 We drafted and signed it at home, along with my parents' self-attested ID evidence. We sent the document to the embassy, and they accepted it, forwarding our application to Belgium. We followed the embassy's instructions, and hopefully, it doesn't cause any issues. 

@khat238 By the way, when did the embassy ask you for the additional documents?

@Anisha2001 We applied via VFS Delhi on Jan 31. Then, we received an email from the Embassy of Belgium on Feb 5 for additional documents.

@Anisha2001 My wife's visa was approved on September 17. They requested my work documents on August 21, but since I was switching jobs, I was only able to submit them on September 13.