Hello. I am married to a belgian citizen since 2021. i want to file a divorce because i can't handle anymore the repetitive lies and wrongdoings of my husband. I could tell I am emotionally abused. I am from the philippines. I am working since 2022. My F card is valid until 2027. My question is, will i be able to stay here after the divorce? I met a nice guy and he wants me to live with him. Would I be able to file for legal cohabitation or marriage after my fcard expires?

Provided you have been married for 3 years and you have been working for +2 years and still working. There are very high chances you will be allowed to stay. I think your F card will be taken away and you will likely receive B or L card. Please do not rush right a away in another marriage. Learn your lesson and take your time to get to know people before committing something long term.