First time using the ATM's in VN.

So today was my first time to use the ATM and it was with a little difficulty.

The first ATM had a sign saying only VISA cards from a VN back would work.

The second one (Agri- something) allowed me to sign in but when I put in 3 mil. withdraw (rather than preset amounts offered) I think it declined the transaction. It gave a notice but I was distracted and it changed screens before I could read it.

We then went to another bank (VB I think) and it also declined the transaction.

Went across the street (VIB bank) and this time I took the max offered on the preset screen of 2 mil. and it went through. It was a little odd that it took so long for the money to come out, if I had not read, or didn't understand the confirmation of the trans action, I might have walked away assuming I was declined.

I say that because with only 2 language options, someone who does not read VN or Eng very well might have assumed it was declined, in fact I began to wonder if the earlier back was just slow in spitting out the cash. I will check my bank later and see what transacted and the fees.

I don't use a credit card and have never had one, I only use a debit card, I wonder if that was a factor in being rejected at 2 ATM's?

I have used my card with no problem in other..... (even out-of-the-way) countries.


I find TP bank to be the best. I think it allows you a 5million vnd withdrawal and there are no charges.


1. It depends upon the card you are using, meaning, the sponsoring financial institution and the payment network that they use.

We are always getting outlier reports from people about certain banks being more favorable, but then those same results cannot be repeated by other forum members.

I've never been able to recreate the higher VP Bank numbers and I was definitely charged for my ₫3 million VNĐ withdrawal.

2. All ATMs in Vietnam are not created equal, even ATMs from the same bank.

Some banks simply don't access the international payment system and they are indeed only for domestic accounts.

Sometimes they are side-by-side with an ATM that does access the international system, so you have to look closely and even ask for help (girlfriend?)

Other ATMs won't work if your card doesn't have the latest chip technology OR, if it's an older ATM that won't work with a chip card.

3. The best bank ATMs I've have discovered are at MB (Military Bank).

With my Charles Schwab Visa debit card (The one I PREVIOUSLY highly recommended that you activate before you left the United States) I can pull ₫5,000,000 VNĐ repeatedly during the same ATM visit, up to the individual limit on my account set by Schwab.

I've withdrawn ₫45,000,000 VNĐ previously during a single ATM visit (to pay 6 months rent) and Schwab then rebated all of my withdrawal fees.

Schwab gives me the "mid market rate" which is usually about ₫200 VNĐ better than the State Bank rate.

So if my withdrawal is equal to $200 USD I save ₫40,000 VNĐ - enough for breakfast and coffee in my neighborhood.

When I withdraw ₫45 million VNĐ I save about ₫360,000 VNĐ in exchange fees.

The savings on ATM fees is about ₫50,000 VNĐ per ₫5 million VNĐ.

4. A lot of good advice goes totally out the window when you allow yourself to be distracted at an ATM machine...


I've had ATMs which I've used in the past now state "Your card is not valid" (paraphrased). Other ATMs have reported "Insufficient funds in this account", which was certainly not the case.

Any time you try an ATM and the transaction fails, regardless of the reason stated at the machine, it is important that you check your account once you get back home to see whether the funds might have actually been deducted from your account in error. This is not an uncommon occurrence. If you do see a debit from your account, call your own bank and report the non-disbursement of the funds from the machine. This has happened to me on multiple occasions. The funds are generally credited back to my account within 3 days.

@Aidan in HCMC

Wow good call. Ive had my ATM card denied many times for no good reason and never even thought to check if funds were taken out. I need to remember to check this in the future. Thanks for the heads up.

@Aidan in HCMC

Thanks for that good info. I called my card and was told the only one that went through was the one I did receive money at. 

Then she mentioned an attempt at withdrawing $30,000 that was declined.

That doesn't even sound logical, would anyone try to get 30K from an ATM machine?

Is it possible,  me trying to withdraw 3 mil. VND was entered as 30K US?

    @Aidan in HCMCThanks for that good info. I called my card and was told the only one that went through was the one I did receive money at.  Then she mentioned an attempt at withdrawing $30,000 that was declined. That doesn't even sound logical, would anyone try to get 30K from an ATM machine? Is it possible,  me trying to withdraw 3 mil. VND was entered as 30K US?        -@Dannyroc3

I highly doubt you are willing to hear the likely answers.

Maybe Yogi will end his hiatus and chime in.

Good luck

...Is it possible,  me trying to withdraw 3 mil. VND was entered as 30K US?        -@Dannyroc3

No way that's possible.

Did you note the date of the attempted $30K withdrawal? Did the bank representative state specifically that it was through an ATM? Something that large would almost certainly be through a vendor at point of sale.

Call them back and ask for details (date, vendor, city etc).

I'd also suggest changing your PIN, like, pronto.



I miss Yogi's blunt wit.

@Aidan in HCMC

Any time you try an ATM and the transaction fails, regardless of the reason stated at the machine, it is important that you check your account once you get back home to see whether the funds might have actually been deducted from your account in error.

I opened an account with Chase bank in the UK (part of the US JP Morgan Chase group) a few years ago having read excellent reviews. It's an App based account so if the ATM decides not to 'spit out' the readies you will know immediately if you have been charged. Great customer service. You can call the bank or message them and get an immediate response via the phone app. I've used the card in several Asian countries but alas not yet in Vietnam. I will be in Ho Chi Minh in November so will soon find out.

@Lotus Eater

Do expats in the Philippines experience the same not uncommon trouble with the ATMs there as we do here? 


I want to add that in the event that an ATM transaction fails, best not to immediately attempt the transaction at that same ATM again. Better to leave and try a different bank's ATM.

My multiple android smartphone alerts are chiming like crazy every time I make a Schwab Visa Debit card ATM withdrawal OR point of sale (POS) or online transaction.

I get immediate alerts from the Schwab app, plus through email AND by text message to my USA T-Mobile phone number.

The OP has a Schwab account so he could easily set up immediate alerts as well as using the app to update his travel status.