
Welcome Canada to the USA 51st State lol

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Donald Trump has said it would be "a great idea" for Canada to become the 51st U.S. state, as the president-elect continued needling Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in what started as a tariff dispute.

Trump recently said he would place a 25 percent tariff on all goods from Canada and Mexico "until such time as Drugs, in particular Fentanyl, and all Illegal Aliens stop this Invasion of our Country!" This prompted Trudeau to fly to Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida, where the pair had an "excellent conversation," according to the prime minister

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Enzyte Bob

Trump should sell California to Canada.


           Give Texas back to Mexico.



i think you meant give California back to Mexico? I agree 100%


     Give Texas back to Mexico. - @mugtech

After everything Davie Crockett (John Wayne) Jim Bowie, and Sam Houston (later on) did to beat Gen Santa Anna to make Texas an independent republic? No way. 😂

Remember the Alamo.


  Give Texas back to Mexico. - @mugtech
After everything Davie Crockett (John Wayne) Jim Bowie, and Sam Houston (later on) did to beat Gen Santa Anna to make Texas an independent republic? No way. 😂
Remember the Alamo.
- @danfinn

          illegal aliens from the USA who took up arms against the legal and and established government of Mexico!!!  Davy Crockett was just an out of work congressman from a red state.

Enzyte Bob

danfinn said . . . .  Remember the Alamo.


Rent a car.


This prompted Trudeau to fly to Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida, where the pair had an "excellent conversation," according to the prime minister - @danfinn

They were talking about Canadian geese and Royal Crown Canadian Whiskey.


I love the Danish remark too Trump about purchasing Greenland,  "Why don't you sell United States to Denmark and seek sanctuary in Russia or North Korea?"





"To" not too.



I have just one thing to say as a Canadian to Donald J IDIOT Trump.



I love the Danish remark too Trump about purchasing Greenland, "Why don't you sell United States to Denmark and seek sanctuary in Russia or North Korea?"
Keith - @Kampkos104

For once the Danes get some well-deserved political attention in the 21st century, reminding the world thst they actually exist. It's been a long time. Maybe since WWII.

But I have known Denmark exists for a long time.  For example, who amongst us has never heard of Danish ham  especially in this holiday period?

And I am an amateur radio operator. We know many Danish "hams".

Even if our Denmark allies do not agree with MAGA to sell that frozen sheet of ice, I will still buy Danish ham for New Year's; in addition, how can I make it through breakfast without a carb-overload of Danish pastries?

And what is everybody's favorite canine breed? Might it be the Great Dane? Profound. (Maybe not).

Mr. Trump realizes that natural climate change is real, not that Greenland will turn green in the near future but already, the Russians have successfully found a way to navigate a Northwest passage through the Arctic. Greenland is the gateway to such a passage. Now, China and Russia realize this and know the importance of such a passage. It seems the Danes do not (but they can make a great ham, fresh or canned). And then there is Trump, envisioning the Russians and the Chinese competing over who controls the west coast of Greenland in the future as the Danes sleep and let happen what may in their autonomous frozen island.

This of course is aldo related to Trump's concerns about China controlling that other  East West passage in parallel with a Northwest passage, the Panama canal.

Or will it be the United States Cansl 😆. 

Trump is not a military warrior but he realizes the next big war will be economic and, without saying more. so do the Chinese and Russia. Trump definately is an economic warrior. The Greenland Premier and the Panama President need to learn to play chess .

So locally, what is best for the Danes? Should China or Russia control Greenland or should it be their US. allies? Well, whatever your answer is, it will ultimately be the US. Sorry 'bout that Denmark but, for what it's worth, I do think your joke about selling the US to Denmark is really funny, I really do... hahaha.

Now: HM for Greenland?

Enzyte Bob

windsurfer51 said. . . . I have just one thing to say as a Canadian to Donald J IDIOT Trump.


If the Canadian dollar gets any lower, you won't be able to buy a six pack of Molsons.

Enzyte Bob

danfinn said . . .

Danish ham especially in this holiday period?

And I am an amateur radio operator. We know many Danish "hams".

Danish pastries?

And what is everybody's favorite canine breed? Might it be the Great Dane? Profound. (Maybe not).


I use to show Harlequin Great Danes in dog shows, they are actually a German breed.

Who can live without a mouthful of Hopenhagen Dip?

Enzyte Bob

danfinn said. . .
After everything Davie Crockett (John Wayne) Jim Bowie, and Sam Houston (later on) did to beat Gen Santa Anna to make Texas an independent republic? No way. 😂
Remember the Alamo.


What did Davie Crockett say to Jim Bowie & Sam Houston when he saw Santa Anna's army?

Wow . . . . Five thousand landscapers.


I have just one thing to say as a Canadian to Donald J IDIOT Trump.
DONALD... STAY THE F***K OUT OF CANADA !!! - @windsurfer51



         Heard there were some negotiations concerning Canada as 51st state.  Canada wants each province to become a separate state, give Canadians more political power.  And Texas is still pissed off that Alaska was admitted to the union, making Texas only the second largest state.  Admitting Canada would drop them to third.  Also heard one of the conditions would be to change Canadian football rules to make them the same as US football plus add another NBA team to Canada, perhaps Vancouver.

           Another major problem would be cruise ship rules.  Since the only

major cruiseship which is flagged in the USA is Pride of America out of Hawaii, all other cruises must visit at least one foreign port.  All of the cruises to Alaska would be eliminated plus the east coast trips to Halifax and Bay of Fundy gone.


The 52nd state would be the Philippines.

Why not? … ehood.html


The 52nd state would be the Philippines.
Why not? … ehood.html - @Jackson4

           This is from 1981.  Said the political party was not a joke.  43 years later, what is it?


The 52nd state would be the Philippines.
Why not? … ehood.html - @Jackson4



The 52nd state would be the Philippines.
Why not? … ehood.html - @Jackson4

California with 33 million people has 55 electoral votes. The Philippines has 110 million people which would give it a huge number of electoral votes as it should, being 1/3 the size of the entire US in population. Maybe Duterte or Marcos would have had to have been chosen as Trump's VP just to get the votes. With its large population it would also have a huge number of representatives in the House. This one "State" would have a disproportionate influence on almost all government affairs compared to other states. The Philippines is really too big to be a State and none of this considers the nationalism and current patriotic pride and that even a small group of ultra-nationalists could unleash terror on the mainland while expressing dissatisfaction on their new status (as the Puerto Ricans have done but on steroids). Coming up with the funds for social security, Medicare, food stamps, student loans etc. ad Infinitum along with all federal government entitlements and benefits would probably be impossible to accomplish unless benefits for the sum of both populations was severely reduced. This sort of illustrates that, when countries of disparate cultures and standards of living reaches the 100's of millions in population, it isn't practical to merge them with other countries in the hundreds of millions. If not the USA, who could absorb the Philippines? Not many. China. The most successful such merger I have seen was east and west Germany, which required much sacrifice on the part of the west Germans but the desire to reunite was there and the people were homogeneous...the same in every way except in standards of living.  IMO this may relate to the reason that the USA did not try to make the Philippines a State in the first place, not to mention the cries for Philippine independence by the political class minority (who were the only ones who had everything to gain with independence.)



We will gladly stay out of your socialist ( California copy) of a country! Enjoy The mess Trudeau and the liberals have made and don’t come back whining in this forum when you can’t take it anymore. I have been to Canada many many times and it is no longer the wonderful, safe, welcoming,  clean country it used to be!


Dear Trump

As a convicted felon you already have enough to worry about. Over half the population of your country hate and despise you, and that includes your wife. So you might want to think about paying your debts to E, Jean Carol, the State of New York for your fraud conviction, and then if you have a little cash left make Denmark an offer for Greenland. Hell, they might even buy Epstein's island for you as a token of good will when they tell you to F yourself. In any event we Canadians like our lifestyle up here in the frozen north. Your culture and in particular you, have nothing in common with decent civilized, empathetic, peace loving Canadians. Even if we created a tolerance visa for the ignorant, racist you are, try not to forget you're still a fellon and an adjudicated rapist.

All the best to you and your future impeachments.

Your friendly Canadian neighbour



Didn't Santa Anna win at the Alamo?


This is most interesting.

Trump is yet to get into the Whitehouse but he's managed piss off:


The UK


Greenland / Denmark


Mauritius (maybe)

Every country that doesn't exclusively use the US Dollar for international trade.

Make of that what you will, but US expats in many countries are likely to experience issues as his presidency stumbles from one diplomatic crisis to the next.

Fred … k-comments

Musk just did Germany


This is most interesting.
Trump is yet to get into the Whitehouse but he's managed piss off:
The UK
Greenland / Denmark
Mauritius (maybe)
Every country that doesn't exclusively use the US Dollar for international trade.
Make of that what you will, but US expats in many countries are likely to experience issues as his presidency stumbles from one diplomatic crisis to the next. - @Fred

I guess being an effective leader doesn't always lend oneself to winning global popularity contests, eh Fred? Lol


This is most interesting.
Trump is yet to get into the Whitehouse but he's managed piss off:
The UK
Greenland / Denmark
Mauritius (maybe)
Every country that doesn't exclusively use the US Dollar for international trade.
Make of that what you will, but US expats in many countries are likely to experience issues as his presidency stumbles from one diplomatic crisis to the next. - @Fred
I guess being an effective leader doesn't always lend oneself to winning global popularity contests, eh Fred? Lol
- @danfinn

Perhaps not, but a hated man will always have trouble being an effective leader.

danfinn … k-comments
Musk just did Germany - @Fred

I wish our globalist detractors would have paid more attention to the destructive actions of their favorite US billionaire, George Soros, than to the constructive words and opinions of the far more accompkushed billionaire, Elon Musk.

And in his adopted US, the first amendment of its Constitution encourages constructive words and expression of opinions. Freedom of speech is the engine of democracy.


Didn't Santa Anna win at the Alamo? - @Rammers

Yitk yuk yuk he shore did yuk yuk


And in his adopted US, the first amendment of its Constitution encourages constructive words and expression of opinions. Freedom of speech is the engine of democracy. - @danfinn

           Yes, plus my two favorite corollaries,   the freedom to not speak and the freedom to not listen

Fred … k-comments
Musk just did Germany  - @Fred
I wish our globalist detractors would have paid more attention to the destructive actions of their favorite US billionaire, George Soros, than to the constructive words and opinions of the far more accompkushed billionaire, Elon Musk.
And in his adopted US, the first amendment of its Constitution encourages constructive words and expression of opinions. Freedom of speech is the engine of democracy. - @danfinn

It's so nice to see Trump put such great trust in an African immigrant.



It's so nice to see Trump put such great trust in an African immigrant.

Freedom of speech is one thing but racial hate against Africans is another. Should I report an admin to the other admins for African race baiting?


I like Trump, it's like having a fox in the hen house.

He is swimming in a snake pit.

Whilst so many haters have him in their sights, he won the election, comfortably, so if everybody hates him, who voted for him *?*

Its fair to say, I dont agree with what you are saying...but until my death I will fight for your right to do so.

Give him time, he is the master of shades of grey.

Could he do worse than the Democrats have ?

I doubt it.

Either way, the US have huge problems and the biggest problem I see, along with Germany, Japan, China and so many other countries is demographics.

Immigration is not so much the problem, the right immigration is the problem.

Who is educated.

Who has finance to control ones own destiny.



This is what is on his mind as should be EVERY politician.

I think he is great, lets see what he can do first before we shoot him down like they have been trying to do like no other candidate/president in the history of the US political arena.


@FredIt's so nice to see Trump put such great trust in an African immigrant.Freedom of speech is one thing but racial hate against Africans is another. Should I report an admin to the other admins for African race baiting? - @danfinn

I'm actively supporting Trump's action in employing an African immigrant.

How can that be racist?

Lotus Eater


Perhaps not, but a hated man will always have trouble being an effective leader.

Our Canuck friends had a 9 year ‘love in’ with an ineffective politically correct leader 🙄

Enzyte Bob

I see the usual suspects haven't recovered from Trumps victory.

Whatever they are wallowing in, they're going to be suffering for years.


Our Canuck friends had a 9 year ‘love in’ with an ineffective politically correct leader 🙄 - @Lotus Eater

I don't really know much about him, but I gather he has left leanings.

The UK is in for a massive shock as taxes rise, and borrowing to pay for crazy rubbish goes through the roof. The UK will end up begging to the IMF again. That's the political left for you.

I'm mid right as a rule, but far right when it comes to getting rid of drug dealers, sex predators, and other such scumbags)

Enzyte Bob

[Post under review] - @Enzyte Bob


When a post is under review why is always anonymous?


[Post under review] - @Enzyte Bob********************************
When a post is under review why is always anonymous? - @Enzyte Bob

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