
Anyone using Starlink?

Enzyte Bob

This is the third day of outage from Sky. I would like to pull the plug on them.

Is anyone using Starlink or some other satellite system? Years ago I switch from PDLT to Sky for being unresponsive.

Year by year Sky service has fallen off. Converge is allover the place but not at my location.

In order for me to make this post my computer is linked to my phone. My phone is connected to Globe internet,

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Yes, we have Starlink here in Culaba, Biliran.  However signal between US and Philippines when using Facebook video messenger is fair at best.  Internet seems ok...I think it may be a bandwidth issue.


        PLDT is fine here in Baguio, not so good in Ilocos Sur.


Bob not sure your location or coverage but for the first 2 years living here we had Globe wireless but eventually they dropped the ball and we switched to smart PLDT wireless and been great for 4 years, no buffering, the occasional drop out/reset the modem but as said fine,,,,,,, saying that the tower is up on the hill behind us about 1.5 klicks away and no trees in the way. BTW Globe and Smart share the same tower so go figure.

Seems to work for us.

Cheers, Steve,

Enzyte Bob

bigpearl said . . . . Bob not sure your location or coverage but for the first 2 years living here we had Globe wireless but eventually they dropped the ball and we switched to smart PLDT wireless and been great for 4 years, no buffering, the occasional drop out/reset the modem but as said fine,,,,,,, saying that the tower is up on the hill behind us about 1.5 klicks away and no trees in the way. BTW Globe and Smart share the same tower so go figure.
Seems to work for us.
Cheers, Steve,


Seems all these providers drop the ball from time to time causing customers to switch.

As mentioned my ball droppers are PLDT & Sky. My wife's niece (nearby) has PLDT and says it stinks. It seems customer satisfaction depends on who you have and location.

Here's the nitty on my problem: I understand close by three poles are being replaced. Internet service went off Friday night. Everyone's  internet service was lost come Saturday morning. Later the service was restored of other providers, our neighbors have Globe.

Sky sent a SMS message service would be restored Saturday at 2 pm, 2 pm came and passed.

Then Sky sent a message internet would be restored by 2 pm Sunday, 2 pm came and passed.

Today Sky sent a message internet would be restored by 2 pm Monday, that's in 15 minutes.

I'm waiting for a message internet will be restored by 2 pm Tuesday.


After trying most if not all of the local internet providers on Davao. I got StarLink about 18 months ago

we may have had 10 minutes of no service in total!

highly recommended! The monthly cost is about the same, 2700 pesos/month

i think initial equipment purchase is 35,000 pesos

easily installed and connected


After trying most if not all of the local internet providers on Davao. I got StarLink about 18 months ago
we may have had 10 minutes of no service in total!
highly recommended! The monthly cost is about the same, 2700 pesos/month
i think initial equipment purchase is 35,000 pesos
easily installed and connected - @gregparker6201

Get tv and wifi for 1399 pesos in Baguio, tv includes the Philippines NBA channel.


I use SmartBro unlimited Internet for 999 PHP per month in Boracay. Is 5G and the download rate is 178 Mbps / upload 27 Mbps.

No need to feed Elon.

Enzyte Bob

Andy_1963 . . . . I use SmartBro unlimited Internet for 999 PHP per month in Boracay. Is 5G and the download rate is 178 Mbps / upload 27 Mbps.


Well I'm using a laptop and I want a reliable connection with outstanding customer service. In the states I had Cox, they had 99% up time, customer service within 1 minute of calling and if they had to send anyone out, they gave you a two hour window.


Bob, laptop/desktop/smart tv/phones/tablets/A/C units etc. all require internet and all I can offer is "you aren't in Kansas anymore". What you see is what you get here and a reliable service with great customer service? Here? Have a laugh. example, we have 2 Cignal dishes on the roof, one feeds 2 outlets and the other 3 outlets,,,,, some years ago the dish that feeds 3 boxes had a hernia and it took them 3 weeks to get a technician here to fix it, a month ago the other dish died and was over 2 weeks with 6/7 phone calls before they fronted up.

The internet we have is 99.9% 0n the mark and rare to have drop outs and a simple reset fixes it. Ben tells me that for some reason the net drops out for a minute or so at midnight and resets itself, no idea as I'm punching out plenty of ZZZZZZZ's by 10 PM. As said we have had no issues with Smart PLDT wireless in near 4 years but in saying that we are close to the tower.

Bob customer service is still being learnt here and play the game we do as no choice.

Good luck sourcing reliable anything here but no complaints with our internet,,,,,, lol, so far.

Cheers, Steve.

Enzyte Bob

At our household we are wired internet. Internet only no cable TV. Most of what my wife watched when we had cable tv is now available on iWantTFC along with many other free options of entertainment.

Much is connected through our router, four smart phones, grandson's tablet and second TV for internet.

So if internet goes down we have a lot of unhappy campers, especially me, I love Youtube.

Generally we are not comparing speed and uptime of a smart phone with an independent connection to a tower. I never use my smartphone except for SMS codes.

Now some of you can ride a motorcycle and text using two hands, but I have trouble texting a smart phone with my fat fingers, so I prefer texting on my laptop keyboard.

Besides when riding your motorcycle how can you enjoy Pornhub with that tiny smartphone screen?


Don't talk to me about PLDT fiber. It's at our front gate and 3 years ago I approached them about a prewire (fiber) as we had multiple trenches about to be dug from our private concrete post to the house 30 meters away.

No sir no prewires, but the trench will be excavated by us and not your contractors. Can I install my own fiber cable and PLDT connect later? No sir it must be our fiber, can I purchase that from you? No sir. It went back and forth for a week and I gave up and we simply stayed with wireless.

Funny a year later they approached about connecting, sent a contractor out to look and he wanted to run the fiber along the concrete fence. Hopeless Bob.

All the waffle on aside our wireless happily runs the following. 5 smart tv's, 2 laptops as well as a desktop, 3 smart phones, 3 smart A/C units (the other 4 are old school and predate smart but still split)

2 x 5Kw smart power invertors connected 24/7 as well as any guests that want to connect.

We do have a WiFi booster as well as it's a large home and distance can be a problem from the main router. As said no complaints, no buffering even in high demand.

Perhaps we are lucky but it has been 4 years so far.

Cheers, Steve.