
Anyone move to NZ from USA with children?

Last activity 18 March 2013 by Martin_Liebenberg

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Hello!  We are on a fact-finding mission regarding moving from the US to NZ.  One of the biggest considerations (besides my husband finding an IT job) would be our son.  Does anyone have experience with children moving to NZ from another country?  How are they doing in school?  Are they behind with the school work or on track?  Do they get picked on for talking differently?  Is there a problem (like there is in the U.S.) with bullying?
Thank you!  smile.png



We moved from the states when our kids were 5, so just starting school. They actually began school about 6 months earlier than they would have in the US, so they are a little ahead of where they would have been. The school year begins the first week of February here. We have been very happy with the schools here (they have been in 2 different schools since we moved). I really like that there is much less emphasis on testing, more time for P.E. and recess, and just generally much more relaxed environment here. It's a really nice place to grow up, lots of playgrounds, lots of beaches, lots of cheap kid activities like pools. Also plenty of sports clubs for kids, and Scouts is co-ed here so it's a little different. Young children tend to adapt much more easily than adults to an international move. Of course, we miss our extended family, but tend to use Skype to speak to them on the weekend. My kids love being the only Americans in their school, since they think it makes them "famous". Yes, sometimes they complain of not getting along with other kids, but I don't think that it would be any different in the US. They have been able to make friends easily, and they are by no means the only foreigners in their school. The current population of NZ is about 25% foreign born.

Good luck with your decision!


Thank you so much for your reply.  It helps a lot in gathering info!  I loved reading that your kids feel "famous" being the only Americans in their school! And I like hearing that the schools focus less on testing and more on being a child!  Here in Florida the testing is called FCAT and it's all the schools focus on! 
Thanks again for answering my questions!


Hi Stattie,
The schools have many expats children and have special programs to help your child adapt to the new environment. You will have no problem moving here with your son. This is a great country for children and he will love staying here.



Hi Stattie,

Bullying IS a problem in NZ. It is a problem in the workplace, in the schools, and it is a big part of the culture. Passive-aggressive behaviour is common in NZ, and it may or may not be a problem for your son. If he is tough physically and emotionally, he may be alright, but you should check the statistics and do some searches on the various news sites, in addition to anecdotal information on the expat sites.

It's nice to hear that other posters feel they are doing well (I wonder how long they have been here), but a lot depends where you settle and where you work, and frankly, where you come from. If you could work for WETA, life in Wellington might be pretty sweet; if you go to work for a government ministry in the IT department, well, that could be quite a strain after a while. Also, South Africans tend to be accepted here in NZ much more easily than Americans or British.

Many Americans come to NZ and leave after several years. Please do your homework before making a costly decision for you and your family. It is advisable to talk with as many expats as possible, especially with those who have lived in country for five or more years, in order to get a complete picture once the honeymoon is over.


You are from Jacksonville?  So am I!  I've been working in New Plymouth, NZ since 1/2012.  I don't have small children and my family didn't come with me but one of our contractors did bring his children and had a positive experience.  No one makes fun of our talking -- everyone thinks we're Canadian.  My doctor I use here is from Utah and she relocated with her children and has nothing but good things to say.  The learning process is apparently different -- it's my understanding that there is "theme" to learning and all subjects -- math, science, etc. all tie into that theme.


New Zealand is an awesome country to raise kids and very safe. I moved to New Zealand three months ago and can only have good to say about this country. I have never seen my daughter (12 years old) this happy before. She absolutely loves her school and is extremely motivated towards her studies. The school learning process is interesting and motivates the kids.
Moreover, the school kids are friendly and I dont find any discrimination between kids. My daughter already has a bunch of friends and all live within the same residential aria because schools are zoned, which means you will need to live in the school zone. Unfortunately, it might be costly to move into a good school zone with high deciles rating because mortgage is very expensive in Auckland. The schools with high deciles ratings increase the estate value considerably within the school zone. I will rent a house my first year in Auckland because it will give me an opportunity to study the property market.

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