
Expats Social Events in Bcn

Sergio Cubero

Hi everybody,

I organize expats events in barcelona, These are usually get togethers at central bars with live music, events to meet people, practice languages and networking. The next event is tomorrow, an afterwork party, but if you want to be informed about future events you can join the group and will get the invitation ocne the event is scheduled;
See you soon

See also

Living in Barcelona: the expat guideFinger prints in BarcelonaLooking for a Notary in Barcelona for Pareja de HechoEnglish speaking companies/Jobs in BarcelonaShared Travel Towards Barcelona

Hi Sergio Cubero,

Why don't you organise an meet up?

Sergio Cubero

Hi Christine, Do you mean to set up a blog, for instance in blogger, where I post the events scheduled??  It would be a good idea. Its a good way to inform about the events and post photos and videos after the event.
Is that what you mean? I have several travel blogs from my trips, but noone for the events.

Sergio Cubero

Hi Christine. I have already created the blog
Where I will inform about the expats events I organize and will upload pictures and videos.


Sergio Cubero wrote:

Hi Christine. I have already created the blog
Where I will inform about the expats events I organize and will upload pictures and videos.

Dear Sergio,

Your blog is an amazing idea!!!!
I'll try to be there on the 20th of October :)

Sergio Cubero

He he Thanks. I have been organizing international-expats events for more than two years and believe me, people have lots of fun. Specially if you are new in the city, want to make friends or expand your network of friends.
Check my facebook "bcn social & musical experience"
Now I would like to activate social activities through expat-log. The City needs organizers!!