Benghazi Airport


Can anyone tell me is Benghazi Airport open ? & which airlines (if any) are flying there ? - from ? .. I've read on the web Turkish & Egyptian (Istanbul & Cairo)

Visa situation - what are the requirements now ?

Looking forward to getting back out there soon & meeting up again with my Libyan colleagues, I hope & pray (inshallah)... that you're all safe & well.

Also on helping Libya get back on her feet & taking her rightful place in the free world.

Well done Libya .. The world salutes you & what you have achieved - push forward now, work together - steady yourselves & find the stability, peace & freedom that you deserve & make sure that those that have paid the ultimate price have passed on their precious gift to your children. Honour them.

Never forget the fallen.

yes its open and i think the turkish airlines running

Benghazi's airport is in fact working. Aside from domestic flights the only airlines currently flying there are Turkish and Jordanian (daily) and Tunis Air (twice a week). Egyptair announced back in September that they'd restart their flights by October 10, but it looks like it'll be a while before they actually do.

As far as visas are concerned, sorry but I cant really help you there because I hold a Libyan passport.
I remember reading a post here a few weeks back by someone who flew in with RJ. He claimed that not having a visa wasn't a problem because there were no immigration officials at the airport, just a single guy putting entry stamps in people's passports. That either was never or is no longer the case. I flew into Benghazi last week on turkish airlines and boarding the flight at Istanbul they checked every single person to make sure they either had a visa or were a Libyan national. Two or three people weren't allowed to board and the Turkish airlines people were absolutely adamant that the authorities in Libya wouldn't let anyone in without a visa. Long story short, make sure you get a visa.

yes open now