Heart Faliure

Are there any of you that suffer from Congestive Heart Failure? I would like to know how the altitude (8300'at Cuenca) affect your health and if this is a limitation living there.

That is a fascinating question!  I wonder if we can find a cardiologist from one of the clincs up in the mountains online who can respond to that?

I do know that we tell our guests who are on anti-coagulant medication to be sure to apply plenty of insect repellent during the dusk and before bed time to insure there is no chance of a mosquito biting them.  While dengue is well controlled in our area and Salinas gets little rain (less than Las Vegas) -- it would be an especially serious illness for someone on blood thinners as the possibility of it turning hemmoraghic in the lungs is increased.  The possibility of dengue turning into hemmoraghic fever which can be fatal is a serious threat to those who have contracted the illness a number of times, he very old, very young, or those with a dsmaged immune system.  The symptoms of dengue are flu-lie with severe body aches and requires medical care with injections of vitamin K to increase blood cell membrane density and taking non-aspirin and non-NSAID fever reducers and pain relievers such as Tylenol or Paramol or Panadol(aceteminophen). 


Ms Sue dengue  seems like the one thing I don't need to catch. I take anti-coagulants and aspiring as a daily  regiment with many other meds, Vitamin K is a no no for me. When I lived in Esmeraldas many years ago, it was around and at that time it was thought to effect the Cayapas Indians and the Black population. Has that changed?

Hi,  It is my understanding that Dengue fever can affect anyone.

Are there immunizations for dengue fever?

hey, just saw this question. I had a MI in April 2010 and a stent was inserted in my Left circumferential artery. I underwent the same doubts before coming to quito, but the cardiologists assured me that since my ECG, Echo and stress tests are within normal limits, I have no cause for concern. After coming here, I live in quito and my house is at an altitude of 2,850m. I have also trekked to Cotopaxi and Quilotoa, both in the region of 4,000m and I have not faced any problem except with my stamina. No heart event and never needed to take nitroglycerine that I always carry with me.