Chiropractic in Cuenca

I'm investigating a trip to Ecuador (Cuenca in particular)this spring. I'm considering retiring there in the future if it's anything like I've been reading. I'm a chiropractor and am particularly interested in learning what it's like practicing there as I don't see myself truly retiring completely. Are there any chiropractors there? I'd like to communicate with as many as I can so if anyone knows of one, please let me know. Whatever info you can offer would be appreciated.
Also, my girlfriend is a nurse in Boston. What are the opportunities like for her profession as an expat?

Hello, chiro!  We're hoping to move to the Vilcabamba area (Loja Province) in the next 6 mos. & were most anxious about finding chiropractic care in EC.  We rec'd a reply from a Patrick Bullock, D.C., in Quito.  He also gave us the name of a Cary Frouman, D.C., in Vilcabamba.  Hope Dr. Bullock's info is still current for you.  Our best to you on your trip to EC.

This is interesting.  I visit my Chiropractor once a week.  Looking to move there in 44 months and retire.  So get there and setup shop.  Setup an appointment for me July 20th or so 2014.

Thanks for the info. I have spoken to Patrick Bullock DC in Quito and he was able to give me some important info. Seems easy enough to practice there and apparently, there does not appear to be a chiropractor in Cuenca yet. I am hoping to go in Feb or April to check it out with my 13yo son. Good luck to all of you moving there soon. I'm envious!
Dr Rick Jardon

My wife and i are going to visit cuenca dec 4th.  We will stay for a week.  The reason for the trip is to check out the city and see if this would be a good fit for our family.  We have 7 kids and want to move to a farm in  or close to cuenca.  Im a chiropractor and would also like to work part time.  If anyone is aoround let us know so we can get together.  Also i thought that there were chiro's in cuenca i will have to double check.


Hi Alex,
I'd be interested to find out what you think of Cuenca. As I blogged earlier, I hope to visit this Feb or April. I understand you're a chiro too. Are you from the States? Where do you practice now? What got you interested in Ecuador and Cuenca in particular?

Hi Rick,

    Yeah i live in minneapolis have been a chiro for 8 years now.  I read an article in international living this summer about cuenca and have not been able to get it out of my mind.  So i decided that my wife and should at least go and check it out.  I like cuenca for its size and slower pace.  We really want to be more in the country but still have a nice size city nearby.  So ill let you know when we get back what it's like as best as i can.

P.s. Where are from?

Hi Alex,
I'm from Rhode Island. I too became interested in Cuenca through International Living. I am attracted to the simpler and slower pace of life, low cost, climate and uniqueness of the place. I've always wanted to semi-retire in a Spanish speaking country. The thought of practicing a couple of days a week to supplement my income and keep my mind stimulated is appealing. I am a long way from being at a point that I would leave the US to retire. I'm planning to go this winter/spring to check it out. I would be interested in your impressions.
My sister is going to either Cuenca or Costa Rica for 5 weeks soon to get certified to teach English as a second language. Our parents were born and raised in Cuba so we already have the language obstacle removed. I hope that she chooses Cuenca so I have another opinion to go by. She's thinking of staying there and living/working for a year if she likes it.
Keep in touch and enjoy your upcoming trip.

Hello Chiro, if you want an acomodation and a special place to practice in Cuenca send me a private email, (since we canŽt place add on this blog).

Well that was one of my is there a questions.  Gotta have a Chiro on the list and a massage therapist.  Maybe I can barter and work something out to do massages in the Chiro offices!  That's if there's a need for it!  Good to know info thanks everyone!

How was your trip Alex?

Send me an email and we will see what you may be interested in

did you open a chiropractic practice?

Many of these posts are from a looooong time ago. There are currently a fairly large number of Chiropractor's in Cuenca, as well as massage therapists. The city is really becoming a mecca for medical services, with modern, state of the art medical facilities.
Stay Well,

Hi guys.  i guess iike many ive been looking into a working retirement as a chiropractor.  currently in my late 40s and would like to make a move within 10 years.  hoping someone can fill me in on if its wise to move before I'm a certain age in order to qualify for local or international health insurance, obtain permission to practice, etc.
Also curious if English is more utilized in Cuenco or Quito?  My Spanish is poor though i hope to learn.  Are there any English movie cinemas, tv channels, etc?  Thanks folks

@ drcj > Welcome to :)

Concerning your questions about "English movie cinemas, tv channels" i advise you to create a new discussion on the Cuenca forum please, as it is a bit off topic here.

Thank you :)

Priscilla team