Meds availability in Ecuador

Is methodone or subutex or suboxone available with or without a perscription in Ecuador? I'm planning to Cuenca for long term stay and need to know if I can get these meds or If I just need to get off of them before I come down there! Any one living there that can help or lead me too answers?

Loads of drugs that you need a prescription for in the UK you can just buy in Ecuador so I'd imagine so, even drugs that specify on the packet that you need a prescription for they just sell to you! Good luck.

I am sorry to hear about your medication needs and even more sorry to tell you that paid medications of any kind stronger than tramadol are impossible to get here.  There are transdermic patches availible called temgesic but they ar 80$ for a 15 day supply.  I have severe bone problems with  my knees and have visited many doctors and a specialist at the military hospital that studied in the US and he said that the only types of meds like hydrocodone (which would include, oxy, morphine, methadone, ect) are only availible in emergency rooms or through anathesists.  I suffer every day.  I need surgery but i refused to do it here as i have 1 years to recovery and a 3 year old daughter and live in BFE.  If you do find a way to get pain meds, please let me know as i am desperate!

I know the meds you speak of are different thatn the vicodine i need.  I would talk to the director at 12 pasos, a recovery house here in town. They would be more familiar with those types of meds.  I am in recovery too.  When you get here, lets hook up.  I cant make meetings because of where i live but you only need two people to have one right?

Pixly Julie,

    Methadone has been used and prescribed for years now as a chronic pain medication and not a "come off of Heroin" drug.  So don't assume that when someone says they are on methadone are smack addicts... But good luck on your recovery, you'll need it when there is only a 5% success rate...