How expensive is electricy and water

How expensive is electricy and water ??  I know its based on consumption - but can anyone give me a genaral ball park  figure for each say per month  ??
Ive ben supplied with furnished 2 bed accomodation, but not services - so any rough idea would be helpful please.

Hello Wirefan,

Your post has been introduced as a new topic on the Abu Dhabi forum, cost of living "How expensive is electricy and water" for better visibility. :)

Best of luck,

How long is a piece of rope? Surely your utilities bill will be dependent upon how many appliances (especially AC units) you're running.

For a 2 bed apartment I'd have thought around 300-400 Dhs a month, max.

I know, I know !!  Im not talkin about running ac all day & all night - or having showers 25 times a day - just ordinary general sensible consumption.
So you reckon 3-400 pm for both ??

mm OK might need to get that into the contact then.

OK thanx for that - appreciate the reply

Hi wirefan,
We're just getting our utlity bills for electricity and water, (three months) and most of our neighbors have paid between 500aed-700aed. This is for normal usage. 1000aed deposit in case one does a runner.
We have a gas cooker run on gas bottles which cost 20aed and a small deposit for the first bottle. They have lasted on average six weeks each, again , normal usage
All the apartments are two bedroom, full A.C, most are couples, some with family.

Hey bud, diolch for that !!!!!
Doesnt seem so bad that - BUT I should have got the buggers to pay both !!! ( typical Cymru, looking for a bargain  lol )
Handy 2 know tho !!
I reckon your adding info cos it mean another beer on me !!!
OK boyo, im happy with this arrangement.
I need to find out where the appartment is now - be handy to find out.
Hope all is well with you
Take it easy lad

Nice one,

We just paid our bill today, 400aed. Bit of a downer though, l've just been told that it'll go up next coz' it's now in our name.  Apparantly it's been discounted up until now because it was registered in ADEC's name. Bummer! Might need all the beer tokens l can get before the next bill! lol. All donations welcome otherwise l'll ave to start busking.