
Maid took revenge and stabs Kuwaiti youth

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Police arrested a Philippino maid for stabbing Kuwaiti youth for several times inside her sponsor’s house, reports local Arabic daily.

According to daily, during interrogation, the maid admitted to stabbing the youth. she said she wanted to take revenge because the family was maltreating her.

The youth has been admitted to intensive care unit.


I feel sorry for the child.. But there are to many reports of maids being mis-treated here in Kuwait and there unknown deaths and being found in dumpsters.. Theses Women are Human not property or slaves and they should be treated better and they should have only a set form of hours to work and live on there own away from the home.. A womans home should belong to her, not her maids. This will continue to cause problems here in Kuwait. May God heal the child..


people need to learn to be patient and deal with things humanly.


:thanks: your right and must be respect also coz god created human in equal maybe in powers and wealth we are not equal but in terms on humanity and equality people around the world are equal please dont judge me coz that is my belief..


baditude ur copy writing from Arab Times, next time i'll have em sue u :P

u read about the Ethiopian maid that did in the daughter of her sponsors? 25 years old, stabbed to death as well.

human rights is a joke in Kuwait unfortunately, many people treat "hired help" as substandard, beneath them. and this is what results when u push someone too far.

i feel sorry for the victims, and the accused, its a terrible cycle that can only be broken by a a complete overhaul of archaic mentalities.

hired help are NOT slaves, they are NOT servants, they are EMPLOYEES and as such deserve to be treated as such.

Until that barrier is broken, sadly, i predict many more instances where news pieces such as that mentioned above is read early in the morning.


legacy wrote:

baditude ur copy writing from Arab Times, next time i'll have em sue u :P

u read about the Ethiopian maid that did in the daughter of her sponsors? 25 years old, stabbed to death as well.

human rights is a joke in Kuwait unfortunately, many people treat "hired help" as substandard, beneath them. and this is what results when u push someone too far.

i feel sorry for the victims, and the accused, its a terrible cycle that can only be broken by a a complete overhaul of archaic mentalities.

hired help are NOT slaves, they are NOT servants, they are EMPLOYEES and as such deserve to be treated as such.

Until that barrier is broken, sadly, i predict many more instances where news pieces such as that mentioned above is read early in the morning.

YAAA heheh

man i dont have words of honor for such ppls
instead of saying something  its better to keep my mouth shut....:-(




I feel sorry for the child that this hurt and pain and shame fell upon the child. I bet the parents will think of all there deeds in dealings to the maid that possibly drove her out of her good spirit and turned her face. May God have mercy on them all. And let us pray for the child that he or she recovers..


I feel sorry for that child.
Kuwait is a very hard place to live specially for maids who do not have rights and do not have any support.


Marquis7 wrote:

I bet the parents will think of all there deeds in dealings to the maid that possibly drove her out of her good spirit and turned her face.

Marquis, love what you said, but unfortunately, there is a fork in the road. the parents can either learn that they must treat their maids better in order to prevent this from happening, or they become vicious, vile and cruel, taking a turn for the worst, treating even the best hired help afterward with scorn as a result of the actions perpetrated by this one individual which was a direct result of their initial maltreatment, thereby causing a cycle of violence.

most of the times, its the second option, unfortunately.


This reminds me of a growing issue here in Lebanon, many maids are found hanged or escape their workplace. It is time for us Arabs to clean our " I pay you therefore you are my dog" mentality.


I dont live in a Arab countries but have heard a lot of horror stories of Arab employers treating their employees not dissimilar to how slaves were treated in Arab culture before the advent of Islam. It is particularly shameful for us Muslims to hear of such horrible incidents when teachings of Islam and the Example of our beloved Prophet clearly shows us to deal justly with fellow human beings. There are so many instances during the time of Prophet and his companions of dealing equitably with employees, hired hands and slaves for us to take heed from. Islam gave dignity, respect, honour and wealth to Arabs but unfortunately many of them are not even close to what an ideal Muslim should behave as a man of authority. In this particular case in Kuwait, the youth may have suffered un-necessarily through no direct fault of his own but there are many a cases where employers have directly abused their maids physically and mentally and not even paid their dues. What is even worse is that the law of the land is not very helpful towards the victim rather is is biased towards locals. Too much wealth and very little awareness of their Deen (religion) has corrupted many of them. I hope and pray that Muslims seek and obtain true essance of Islam through the teachings of Quran and Sunnah (tradition) of our Prophet (SAW).


There is a reason why the Prophet lived a simple life even tho he was offered wealth he choose to live a simple life with what he had just so if I am correct that he would not be tempted. Even I repeat the 5 Pillars of Islam..

And @ Legacy you are so correct, as history has shown if you treat someone as an animail and you beat them they will strike back at some point.


In one of the Ahaadith (Sayings of the Prophet SAW) Prophet SAW* said that all humans are from Adam and Adam was made from earth (clay). Meaning all humans are equal, and in the last sermon He SAW said that no white persona has any superiority over black person, no Arab has any superiority over a non Arab and vice versa. The standard of rank with God is the fear of God Almighty and piety...nothing else. This clearly means that colour, faith, race, culture, language or any of the dividing lines in the today's world have no bearing on how another human being should be treated. Prophet SAW has eaten in the same plate with his companions as well as servants. he travelled and rode camel taking turns with servant so that he had the equal amount of comfort, He SAW helped those who abused and mal-treated Him. The second Caliph Omar carried heavy food load himself to the house a poor lady and refused help from the servant saying that he himself is responsible for his burden in this world and hereafter, the fourth Caliph Hadhrat Ali would buy the same  for his servant as himself. The Islamic history is littered with examples such as this. Even animals were treated with kindness and regrad. It pains me to see how a human being can mistreat a fellow human being when the best among humans lowered the wing of humility. The only reason I can think of is lack of fear of God and the sense of accountability in hereafter when each soul has to stand in front of their Almighty Creator and be answerable for their deeds. Justice may not exist in this world but as Quran says even an atom worth of kindness will be rewarded and even an atom worth of injustice and cruelty will be punished (unless one repents, seeks forgiveness and mends his/her ways)

*SAW (Abbreviation of Salallahu alaihi wasalam, meaning peace be upon him)


@ Asim Very Well Said and even my Qur'an and Bible sayeth the same.

asim wrote:

In one of the Ahaadith (Sayings of the Prophet SAW) Prophet SAW* said that all humans are from Adam and Adam was made from earth (clay). Meaning all humans are equal, and in the last sermon He SAW said that no white persona has any superiority over black person, no Arab has any superiority over a non Arab and vice versa. The standard of rank with God is the fear of God Almighty and piety...nothing else. This clearly means that colour, faith, race, culture, language or any of the dividing lines in the today's world have no bearing on how another human being should be treated. Prophet SAW has eaten in the same plate with his companions as well as servants. he travelled and rode camel taking turns with servant so that he had the equal amount of comfort, He SAW helped those who abused and mal-treated Him. The second Caliph Omar carried heavy food load himself to the house a poor lady and refused help from the servant saying that he himself is responsible for his burden in this world and hereafter, the fourth Caliph Hadhrat Ali would buy the same  for his servant as himself. The Islamic history is littered with examples such as this. Even animals were treated with kindness and regrad. It pains me to see how a human being can mistreat a fellow human being when the best among humans lowered the wing of humility. The only reason I can think of is lack of fear of God and the sense of accountability in hereafter when each soul has to stand in front of their Almighty Creator and be answerable for their deeds. Justice may not exist in this world but as Quran says even an atom worth of kindness will be rewarded and even an atom worth of injustice and cruelty will be punished (unless one repents, seeks forgiveness and mends his/her ways)

*SAW (Abbreviation of Salallahu alaihi wasalam, meaning peace be upon him)


Hi Marquis7, Thats because Quran came to confirm what the previous scripture like Bible and Torah , known as New Testament and Old Testament respectively have mentioned as these are from the same source , God The Almighty.





That is really Sad !!! I hate these stories :(


All great posts and interesting reading.
I did hear of a recent case in Lebenon and even posted it on my Facebook... here is the link to the artical and video if anyone cares to see: … use-worker

I find it absolutely appalling that someone who clames to be religious at all could treat someone (anyone in any capasity) like this. How can you call yourself a man/woman of god while treating people like this???

I also have another angle about all this: The legal questions.
The domestic works come here with a contract that has stipulations in it that are being completely ignored. If they where followed, things would not only be much better for the workers, but they would be getting what they deserve. Most of the contracts say that they (the workers) are to get 1 day off a week and only work 8-10 hours a day. Most of the domestic workers are lucky to a day off a month... and even then, with curfews and other "strings attached".
I would love to try one of these in court. Make headlines... bring attention to much needed humann rights problem.

Pressure... maybe then things will change. Right now the workers have no place to turn to make things right.

Please excuse errors... in a hurry :)


:up::up: for Satcomguy! Specially for these lines...

I find it absolutely appalling that someone who clames to be religious at all could treat someone (anyone in any capasity) like this. How can you call yourself a man/woman of god while treating people like this???



This come to mind.  Did Kuwaitis forget when Iraq invaded Kuwait and they were exposed to a little dose of their own medicine?  How soon they forgot.....Or should I say, how soon they conveniently forgot...
No one will look after the maid and give her some protection, and help; probably she is getting some sort of punishment because she dare to hurt a kuwaiti.. 
What is funny if Kuwaiti perceived u as superior or equal to them, they could be so nice... I remember one day I was late for work and I was try to get a cab, a police car came and after checking my papers gave me a ride to work... Full of contrast in this country


well said ................. all


sad story...but not all kuwaiti behave like this...not the only country where is happening  these england they are few thousands actual slaves (seen a documentary about it),not to talk about sex slaves from across all europe...america,africa,asia....all the's a jungle,the powerfull overcome the weakest...just human nature...:)

i ask myself if the grandparents of the actual generation of kuwaiti don't recount about their simple life before the oil(when they din't have maids :D),din't advice the youngster generation?...they change so bad in only 50-60 years?

good for the maid she react...bad for the kid who got stabbed....but ,maybe,they will learn something from this...


as i read your thoughts and sharing i remember my sister who went to dubai to work with my cousin as helper. she was married to a jordanian businessman. me and my cousin are so close to each other when we are young back to philippines. I even thank her for taking my sister to dubai and told her to take care of my sister her ATE. Suddenly my sister called me and saying that she want to go back home talking while shedding tears. i asked why,she told me that our cousin treating her badly,like
locking her inside the house, giving her food late already at night and never go to bed if the baby still awake, wake up earlier and start working as a maid not as a relative even she sleep 2 hoursonly. they did'nt even let her send her own salary to her family. this is my sisters 1st time in abroad, before she was asking me to find her job in KSA but i told her that working as a maid in KSA is not a good idea for i know what will be the consequences but it never occured to me that my sister will suffer the same as what other maid and the most hurtfull is that she was maltreated by our own relative.

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