
Free room/flat in Huế for feb 2012 ?!

Last activity 31 December 2011 by Jaitch

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Hi ! Everything is in the title. I'll come in Huế in one month and a half for at least 5-6 months, and I wanted to rent a place.

Unfortunately, I'm not already in Vietnam, so it's quite difficult to have an idea of how it can work there. I believe that I almost get the laws stuff, but I'm still looking for a room.

So if you have the slightest idea, feel free to react !




I think you need to put WANTED in the title of your post.

Hue is one of the most friendly small cities in VietNam, except you need good boots when the monsoons hit between August and November!

There are several universities including one that specialises in languages.

You should be looking for a place on the river bank opposite the Citadel. The Citadel side is very low lying and it floods at any excuse.

There are several hospitals and there is a Western style supermarket.

The beachh area is about 15 kilometres to the east of Hue, a little muddy at times as it is near the estuary of the Perfume River. It sure is 'perfumed', as is the case with most waterways in VietNam, comes from the raw sewage it carries to see.

There are some wonderful examples of French colonial style building, nothing beats the Renaissance Hotel for location - where the French Governor had a mansion.

As for work, you won't find much except working in the small foreign food industry/


Hi ! Jaitch and everyone.

At the very beginning, thank you for the infos about the city.
Let's say that it's a good picture of it, for the things I needed to know. And that's really cool if it's not a big noisy one !

Concerning the hotel you spoke about, even if the place looks great, I have to admit that I was looking for something a little, little bit, more humble, like a "traveller's place", I mean mostly a room.

Do you think that it's possible to get one to some people's house ?
Do you think that I cannot at all organise that from here and I have to do it right there ?
I believe that there must be something like a real-estate market in Vietnam right ?

If someone has infos big_smile.png




Accommodation is always best done in person as they need your visa and passport to complete the So Khai Rao Tam Tri (pink book) with the police.

If you aim to be there in the fall make sure your place is above the flood line (2 metres around Dap Da).

Remember: All bills can, by law, be paid in VN Dong; ONLY EVN can sell you metered electricity - landlords can only say 'included'.

Dictated using Nuance on my Android


Ho yes thanks for the name of the electricity company.

I'll check that by myself when I come, I just wanted to know how doing that, asking in the street or if there is some agency or something like that.

I have some other questions. Do you guys know how it is about furnitures, things and stuffs I can need.
For exemple a raincoat is maybe not necessary before departure, you can find some there right ?
And concerning laptop, I planned to bring a little one, but what about just buying one there. May I find some in every
city like here or do I need to come in Hanoi ? Will it be more or less expensive than here ?

You know that there is no silly questions. Let's say that these one are....simple tongue.png



The biggest problem with buying technology in VN is ensuring you can get world-wide support. ACER is misleading on it'a support whereas ASUS is outstanding. Toshiba is forgettable.

ALWAYS buy extended warranties.

My employer buys whatever technology I want. I have large screened laptops and I recently acquired a diminutive ASUS Eee PC netbook.

I was given the dual-cored netbook to check-out. I typically run browsers with 4-400 tabs open in my on-line work and I also use SketchUp and Visio. SketchUp 8 (a Google 3D program) is extremely light on resources, Visio - being a mainline MS product - is somewhat piggy with resources.

My netbook has ridden for over 11,000 kilometres in my motorcycle 'trunk' (under the seat) and fallen off counter-tops or tables 17 times so far, without any damage except for minor separation of the press-fit case.

You also get access to 'cloud' storage for year t no cost, although I don't use it for security reasons.

The screen is a little small but I use a small projector when I need to.

Hate to admit this to my boss, but it is sufficient for many of my work projects. And the battery really does last over 8 hours.

Pricing in VietNam tends to be just below world pricing (in SaiGon) and you can even haggle if you are going to pay VAT in your price negotiations.

Both ACER ad ASUS,along with others, have free shipping when returning for warranty repair - important in Hue! HCMC and Ha Noi, in that order, are the technology centres in VN.

The Eee PC have Bluetooth and WiFi which is important in this country where you can get free WiFi in every town and city.

Complaints? Yes, the audio connectors are on the side which means it is a problem putting it on it's side in bed (at least one side). There is too much junkware from ASUS - easily cured by uninstalling.

It comes loaded with Win 7, which can be 'upgraded' by locating a serial number on the InterNet. I also have loaded Linux as an alternative when I need to crack WiFi passwords, or 'sniff' comms.

There is only one real computer area in HCMC - Ton Tung That Street in District 1. Copy software is available for a $1 a DVD.

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