I am Elena 28 years old from Russia, and I've been living in Malta for 4 months

I would like to join the forum mainly because I'm in search for a job starting as soon as possible, but also to try to find a expacts for chat and drink :)and sometimes go out together :joking:

Elena :D

Welcome to the forum Elena!;)


Thank you Harmonie :D. Nice to meet you

Hi Elena,

welcome to the forum.

What kind of job are you for? What are your qualifications?

I always thought you had to have a job or money to get residency in Malta and stay for longer than the 3 months tourist stay.


Thank you Ricky for reply :),
I've graduated university in Russia and my qualification is Economist of speciality “finance and credit”. I would like office job or clerk, something like this. I worked in bank before in Russia.But if it will be something else, may be more interesting or different, i'll ready to accept.
I absolutely agree with you Ricky about that man should has job to  has means of living :top:
Elena :D

Hi Elena,

there are jobs in banking and finance in Malta. Russian language skills could give you an advantage over others as you will have to find an employer willing to apply for your work permit at the ETC .

Marsascala might mean a rather long commute as most financial institutions are in the Valletta - St. Julians area.

Send your CV to the many job agencies  , that should help.


Hi Elena!

I'm glad to see some Russian speaking people around here! I'm from Latvia and also speak Russian. Maybe we can meet for a coffee one of these days. You can PM me, if you like, and good luck on the job search!


Ok got it :top: