
Keeping busy in Hamburg


Hey all! I'm new to the expat-blog site, but am excited about joining the expat community! I'll be moving to Hamburg towards the end of August to live with my boyfriend. I'm looking for friends to play tennis, go swimming, jogging, and of course, going out for some drinks! I don't speak German (although I'm hoping to!!) but would love to have some English speaking support once I get acclimated! If anyone is currently living in the city, and knows where some good tennis courts or indoor pools are, let me know and hopefully we can meet up!

See also

Living in Hamburg: the expat guideExpats Wg-s or renting a room in HamburgUniversity RecognitionUnderstanding the "Ordentliche Kundigung"job seeker

Welcome on MonSatie!

The Hamburg expat network might help you to find some contacts.

Have a nice day


Hi MonSatie, I am Tanja and I am living in Hamburg. I am 32 and I really like to have people whom I can speak English with. My hobbies are singing, playing guitar, listening to all kinds uf music and listening to murder mysteries. I am not very athletic but I am sure that we'll find other things to do. Just PM me if you like. I live in the city centre and I work in wandsbek. Hope to meet you soon.