Hello i am from Barcelona, i would like to live in Malasia, sombebody can help me for to know the cost of live, job, to rent a flat, and other things for live there, i speak english.

Hello SEFI and welcome to!

Do not hesitate to browse through the forum it may help you.;)


Hi, currently im hiring. The cost of living here are quite medium. It depends how u want it yo be. U coming alone? Let me know some details. I will try do see what i can help. Cheers!

well it depends in which part of city u want to rent ur house . but if u want to rent a flat in centre of kuala lumpur u may pay around 2000rm ( 700$ per month - fully furnished )
one set of big mac cost around 3$ and normal meal cost around 6-7$ but local food cost less which is nice as well. to get a job u need to have work permit and experience also. msg me if u need more info