
Second hand bookshops in Alicante?

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Does anyone know of any good second hand book shops in Alicante selling interesting (as against best sellers ie Dan Brown etc) books in English?

See also

Living in Alicante: the expat guideSecurity doorwhere to buy plantsFurniture stores Gran Alacant areaSwimming pool Supples.

Well it looks like there is not one! (Business opportunity?)

If you are ever in Torrevieja the Alzheimers Charity Shop has a good range of books (English/Spanish) starting at 3 for 1 Euro

More here … arity.html


Hi there, I know there is a very nice old bookstore on the corner of Medico Pascual Perez, close to the police station! Not sure if they sell english books but I cannot imagine they wouldn't. The shop is crammed with books haha.

Did you know La Casa del Libro and the Fnac also have a small selection in foreign books?


Bargin Books shops sell books from around 3euros.
Most of the markets in the Torrevieja area sell & buy,or exchange books. usually 1-3 euros, mainly used books.


Hola Beatriz,

Thanks for your post - I will take a look next time I am in that area - and yes those are online sites I think (?)

I usually use Amazon or for buying online.


Hi Bloss,

Yes I know Bargain Books - the best place to buy in Torrevieja is the Alzheimers Charity shop behind the church - 3 paperbacks for 1 Euro and hardbacks for 1€.

I have been reading older books after getting fed up with same old plots in the best sellers and also researching in non fiction books which are harder to find.


The Fnac and la casa del libro are actual bookshops! even open on Sundays. Yes, you can also order online with them but the shops are in Alicante! Fnac is on a street behind the Riscal (aparthotel El Riscal, behind the Corte Ingles) and la casa del libro is closeby as well!


Found a great site for books on and set in Spain:

Lots of other interesting stuff on the site as well........


Hi bjsmyth,

Note that this thread was posted 2 years back, and the members might no more be active on it.

Posting an advert in the Buy, sell, exchange books in Alicante section, this might surely help. Thank you! :)



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