
Getting married in Morocco

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Hi all,

We invite all the ones who got married in Morocco or who are about to get married in Morocco to participate in this thread :)

What are the formalities to get married in Morocco? Is it the same for a couple of foreigners of for a mixed couple (between a foreigner and a native of Morocco)?

Are the procedures complicated?

How long does it take to carry out all the formalities?

Thank you in advance for participating,


See also

Getting married in MoroccoId card morocco (baby)Morocco marriageDocuments that require an apostilled stampTranslator to English

Your question has to be broken down into religious parts:

Moroccan Muslim marrying Moroccan Muslim

Moroccan non-Moroccan marrying Moroccan non-Moroccan

Moroccan marrying Moroccan

Non-Moroccan marrying Non-Moroccan

Moroccan male marrying non-Moroccan Muslim female

Moroccan male marrying non-Moroccan non-Muslim female

Moroccan Muslim female marrying non-Muslim Moroccan

Moroccan Muslim female marrying Muslim non-Moroccan

I do believe that the laws are different for the different circumstances.  For instance: It is illegal for a Muslim Female Moroccan to marry a non-Muslim male (Moroccan or not), and if married outside of Morocco, the marriage will not be recognized in Morocco.  This may change if someone challenges the Constitutionality of the law under the the New Constitution of 2011)


Hi mwstebbins!

These are only general questions meant to help future expatriates. So information on each case will definitely help!

Thanks a lot for helping


For Américan : Getting married with moroccan Man

you should bring with you this papers from USA :

* police background check
* birth certificate
* Certificate of Previous employment stating dates worked and annual salary (( if u work if u don't work don't bring it )
* devorce certificate ( if u were devorced )

The paper that u have to take it from Usa embassy in Casa morocco :

* Certificate of eligibility for marriage ( go to the usa embassy and take with you 900 dhs )
* certificat of  nationality ( give just u'r passport to the usa embassy in casa 'll give u this certifacte !!

this papers u can preaper it in morocco with u'r hubby and it's easy :
* Four photographs of u
* A copy of the passport with the date of entry to Morocco
* Criminal record from the Ministry of Justice in Morocco ( take u'r  passport and stamp of 10 dhs  and go to the Ministry of Justice in Rabat located behind the parliament (that 'll take just 30 munites to get this paper)
* Certificate of Religion
* A medical certificate (in Arabic)  cost 200 dhs  at any general practitioner

Finally you neeed to translate all papers into arabic

The papers that u'r hubby should preaper !!!
*Administrative certificate relating to approved of the fiancé ( bring it from Mqadam if he don't know the name tell him ( Certificate of celibacy)
* Complete copy of the birth chart
* A medical certificate
*  police background check
* Four photographs
* A copy of divorce if he was divorced

for other nationality they can check this topic :


Thanks for your help Moroccan1!



if you live in Casablanca you send me a PM i can help the way the info posted by Moroccan are enough helppful.


what about moroccan military married to european girl? i heard many stories its possible. is there anybody who knows sth about this?


Its possible


i know it is possible. but he is military. does anyone knows about this? autorisations?

Zaphod Beeblebrox

i do have a question too concerning marriage rules in morocco. i have one wife at home and i got one when i lived in surinam. both know nothing about each other. so now i'm thinking how to manage all that and bring them together. i heard polygyny is Ok in morocco so wheather it will be possible to register both marriagies again in morocco and get them together.... and maybe i also can take one moroccan wife? 3 is good. 3 will be fine enough.

and a question to the pet owners - does by the some chance anyone have a peacocks for sale?


All marriages in Morocco are carried out under Moroccan Islamic law.  It is not possible to have a civil marriage ceremony conducted in Morocco.


Zaphod , to practice polygamy in Morocco, you need to comply to conditions and both wives need to meet each other and sign you a permission. This means if you don't have a blessing from both wives you are SOL. Let me know if you don't understand what is SOL.


guys. i think it is Zaphod's provocation


salam and peace to you all.

Is anyone foreigner here who is plannng to marry recently to a morroco citizen?


HI Great topic about marriage here are some of my experience in marriage for i have 2 wives
1- to armand  and sharpblade :if your finance is out there with you abroad cut throught the chase and do like i did a)get her fathers approval b)if you are a non muslim and she is you should convert c) get married in the nearest muslim court of marriage and attest it by the embassy e)send a copy to morroco to register the marriage f) have a nice honey moon and good luck.
2- to Harira111: marriage with a pakistani is not a greater issue to worry about i havea paki friend and he is enjoying his life to the fullest the problem to worry about is finding him work... all of us english speaking expats are having a hell of time finding jobs it is impossible unless he starts his own business that means capital and risk and before that heart and experience in something freelance and to know what the market needs, i shall start a fried chicken restaurant and a beauty salon for my wife soon wish me luck

3-susumu: you can marry a military man but ask him first for bachelor certificate(single not married)and advise you to make sure that he really loves you... not your passport


Please help me to get married in Morocco.

I belong from Pakistan and doing job in Saudi Arabia.
i want get marriage in Morocco and i already contact with one woman throught matrimonial site and we both agree to get marriage.
I want go to Morocco from Saudi Arabia and come back again Saudi Arabia after marriage.
I am doing 2nd marriage, my first wife live in Pakistan.

What kind of paper i need? Please also tell the process to do all this work.

Thanks in advance.


Nebraska Girl

Zaphod Beeblebrox,

harira111(please make note for your future husband);

If you are going to get married here in Morocco, then you will need to have proof you are single. If you are already married you must disclose this and comply by your own country's marriage laws. So if it is not legal to have a second wife in your homeland, then it is also not legal to have one here in Morocco. So check with your county's Consulate office. You will need a proof of permission for the Moroccan Court from your other wife (or wives) no matter where in the world she lives and your new wife will have to prove to the court she is fully aware that you already are married to someone else before this one will be considered legal. You must do this because, if are married and you fail to prove it is legal for you to take another wife, or you fail to prove all of your wives are completely aware of the situation, it will void your marriage here in Morocco. You will be guilty of fraud, required to make restitution to your new wife and her family here; and could even end up in jail prior to being deported or both. 

Exception: If you are divorced, or your other wife has died, you will need to provide documentation proving this. This goes for all marriages you may have had in the past, not just the most recent ones. It does not matter how long you were married to her, and even temporary marriages (although legal in other countries) are not treated any differently under Moroccan law than full marriage. So you will still need a “proof of desolation” if you have ever done one. Check with a lawyer in Morocco if his applies for the proper course of action.

Once you are married to a Moroccan National you may apply for residency to stay here. You will need to consult a lawyer about how to bring other members of your family here. Children of previous marriages are treated differently in these situations than adult family members. So it may be easier to bring your children here than it is for you to bring your other wife. Most of the documentation needed for your residency card is similar to what you need for marriage. (I believe those documents are well covered by the contributor “Morroccan1” in an above entry. Even though he is speaking of the process for an American, it is still coving the Moroccan requirements for all mixed marriage. You will still need to prove you are a Muslim man (to marry a Moroccan woman) I suggest you contact your Consulate for a more specific list requirement relevant to your home land.

You will not get any of these documents you provide back from the Moroccan court (or any of the government offices), so don't submit original documents unless you have no other choice.  Make plenty of copies of everything. Have those copies legalized here in Morocco. These will be valid for 3 months. All documents will need to be officially/legally translated into Arabic (if they are not already written in that language) and given to the court. Although you may have been told you only need 4 pictures to get married, you may need more to get your required background check done in each of the countries you have lived. So have plenty of extras photographs made. For nearly everything you need to attach a photo.

It can take 3 to 6 months to get everything for your marriage application approved (longer if you have moved around allot), so you may need to make arrangements to get your passport VISA stamp renewed. Each port of entry stamp is good for 90 days and it often take all of that before your marriage is legal & longer if you are seeking residency.

May God bless your future


Hi there,
I am a british woman i married a moroccan  guy 2 years ago.
All i can say is be prepared for it to take a lot of walking around.
We went to a marrage solicitor and they told us all the documents that we needed then we had everything we had to go to the building in casablanca that is to register and apply for international marraiges in morocco. and they told us that we had certain documents missing on several different occations and then we had to go to the police to get a police report and then we had to go and colect the documents but after 2 weeks of tryingto get married we finally managed it and we are now happily married for over 2 years. but it can take a very long time and alot of walking around. but all i will say is that it is worth it but like i have said before it might take alot of walking around and alot of people telling you to go and find this person or go to thisplace and then on multiple occations you get told you have to go back to the place you first started. anyway good luck on getting married and i hope that is a helpful forwarning on what to expect.

Nebraska Girl


I had a very similar experience over mysterious incomplete documentation when my husband and I got married here. It took us nearly 6 months, 2 trips to Casablanca to get my consulate to verify my paperwork I was told I needed from home, and 3 trip to Rabat. 2 of those trips to Rabat were to get my husbands birth records(the first trip ended in badly because the government office workers were on strike, but the second one we paid one of the clerks to go back to work for one day and get us what we needed), and later I made another trip to get that my paperwork from my consulate verified again by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We we checked and rechecked everything to make sure we had everything on the list all in order there, but still ended up making 3 trips to the court. Twice we sat all day for our turn only to be told by the clerk of the court that one of us was missing some mysterious paper that wasn't on anyones list of requirements. After that, we were quietly told over dinner by a friend who works there that unless we offer a small bribe to the clerk at the court, we were going to be caught in this perpetual cycle of mysterious incomplete paperwork. So the last time we went to the court we clipped 200 dirhams inside the file, and hoped it was enough and also that we did not end up in jail for doing it. It worked, the clerk called our name, took the file, opened it right in front of us (and a whole room full of people waiting to meet with him) and pull out the money and put it in his pocket. Without even looking at the rest of the file he closed it and told us to come back the next day and it would be ready for us to take to the Adul.
After that it all went smooth, except that we had spent so much time at the court I accidentally overstayed my VISA by 2 days and I ended up going to court again to pay for that. Luckily I didn't get deported. I had to pay a fine and was ordered to get my residency card if I intended to remain in Morocco. We are now happily married and living quietly in Marrakech.

It is often so difficult to complete a mixed marriage here in Morocco that many people entering into one choose to go do it abroad or in their home consulate! This would be fine if you can do it that way, except Morocco doesn't always recognize marriages to Moroccan nationals and foreigners if they were not completed here in Morocco. This only become  problem if the couple chooses to one day live in Morocco. I know of a case where a woman met, fell in love and married a Moroccan man while living in New York. After many years there and even having children together they decided to move to his home here in Morocco so their children would know his family. They packed up and came here only to find out that Morocco wouldn't acknowledge their American marriage at all. Although Morocco did acknowledge their American born children as also being Moroccan citizens and therefore entitled to live here, in order to for the woman to legally live here all together as part of her own family, they had to get remarried here in Morocco. It was all very dramatic and stressful for both of them. It took over a year and the whole time they lived in fear that her Moroccan husband would be arrested for living as unmarried/unrelated Moroccan man in cohabitation with her and his own children. It all worked out in the end, but it took time and a great deal of money.

I really suggest people simply pay a lawyer to help when ever dealing with the family court here in Morocco. At first it may appear to be saving some money without one because it all sounds simple enough to do it on your own, but more often than not there are  hidden costs, paperwork complexity, travel, and a great deal of time required away from work. It really is designed to make people regret trying to do it on their own.

May god bless everyone and bring joy into your lives



Thanks for sharing your stories.It really helping me to plan things ahead.

Can any one describe step by step process in court with time frame(provided that I have all documents needed!).

With best Wishes


Nebraska Girl


The most time consuming part of all of this IS getting your documents together. It is even difficult for 2 Moroccans to do it if one of them has moved at some point in their life. Assuming you are able to get everything together right away, the only thing you will be waiting on are the required criminal background checks. If you have not been in Morocco very long this will be faster than if you have been living here and definitely less time if you have not lived in more than one city in Morocco. Of course you should bring similar criminal background checks with you from all the countries you have lived prior to Morocco to save time. This part takes about 2 weeks. But this is really just part of the paperwork so it is outside of he final court time.

You will need to submit all your officially translated copies of your documents with the clerk of the family court in your area (your lawyer will do this part for you if you chose to have one). Official translating your documents takes about 3 days (your lawyer can do this part for you if you choose to have one). The clerk will review the documents and assuming he finds everything that is required there, he will submit them to the Judge to be signed. If the clerk finds something is missing (this is where those required mystery documents seem to appear) he will give it back to you and you will need to gather them and resubmit. Once you are past the clerk. In almost all cases, you and your fiancée will be asked to come back and be interviewed together by the Judge before he will authorize your file(If you do not speak French or Arabic you may need to bring a translator with you--often a lawyer will be fine to do this). If you are already married to another woman, you will be asked to bring her or her representative lawyer also. How long this will take varies, but in most cases it is done the same day or the next day. Once the Judge has completed his interview, he will review your file and authorize it. If the judge is not happy with the file or he does not like how the interview went he may require you to provide something else and resubmit. It is more likely that he may ask you to wait and pick up your file from the clerk later. It may be done later that day or the next day or it my take several days. It is all depending on how the weather that day, the gravitational pull of the sun on earth, if the neighbor's dog was barking all night, or simply how well the man's tea tasted that day....what I am saying is this part is at the whim of the Judge and his clerk. Generally it takes about 1 to 3 days, but they will not tell you exactly when to come back meaning you will need to return each day to check if your file is done or not (your lawyer will do this for you if you choose to have one). So in general this part (From submitting to the clerk to a completely authorized file) takes a minimum of 1 to 3 days or maybe more...expect a week.

You will then need to meet with the Adul of your choice. He will interview you and your fiancée again and he will interview her father or other male witness representing her. If you are already married, your other wife will be required to be interviewed by the Adul also. The Adul will review the authorized file from the Judge and then write your marriage contract based on what all of you tell him to include.  Once the contract is typed and you have signed it it is all done. This may take 1 to 3 days to complete. If there is a ceremonial celebration planned you may wait for that day for the signatures.   

All in all, the fastest time I have ever heard a marriage contract being completed is 2 weeks. For even most Moroccan people it takes about a month to go from Court clerk to a final contract from an Adul. But the real drama is just getting it ready to be submitted to the Court. You really cannot dismiss the fact that it may take several weeks and a great deal of travel around Morocco to meet with various agencies just to get your file ready. For a mixed marriage expect 1 to 3 months...longer if there is a complicated situation like this being a multiple marriage. 

I hope this helps
May God bless you


Hi sist Nebraska Girl

Many thanks for your time and kind detailed information.

With Prayers and respect.



samanthaessajdi wrote:

Hi there,
I am a british woman i married a moroccan  guy 2 years ago.
All i can say is be prepared for it to take a lot of walking around.
We went to a marrage solicitor and they told us all the documents that we needed then we had everything we had to go to the building in casablanca that is to register and apply for international marraiges in morocco. and they told us that we had certain documents missing on several different occations and then we had to go to the police to get a police report and then we had to go and colect the documents but after 2 weeks of tryingto get married we finally managed it and we are now happily married for over 2 years. but it can take a very long time and alot of walking around. but all i will say is that it is worth it but like i have said before it might take alot of walking around and alot of people telling you to go and find this person or go to thisplace and then on multiple occations you get told you have to go back to the place you first started. anyway good luck on getting married and i hope that is a helpful forwarning on what to expect.

hi Samantha

Please can you tell me which police certificate you used from UK.Is that ACRO immigraiton or CBR or anyone else?

Did you get your documents attested from UK common wealth office?

Thanking in advance


Nebraska Girl wrote:


The most time consuming part of all of this IS getting your documents together. It is even difficult for 2 Moroccans to do it if one of them has moved at some point in their life. Assuming you are able to get everything together right away, the only thing you will be waiting on are the required criminal background checks. If you have not been in Morocco very long this will be faster than if you have been living here and definitely less time if you have not lived in more than one city in Morocco. Of course you should bring similar criminal background checks with you from all the countries you have lived prior to Morocco to save time. This part takes about 2 weeks. But this is really just part of the paperwork so it is outside of he final court time.

You will need to submit all your officially translated copies of your documents with the clerk of the family court in your area (your lawyer will do this part for you if you chose to have one). Official translating your documents takes about 3 days (your lawyer can do this part for you if you choose to have one). The clerk will review the documents and assuming he finds everything that is required there, he will submit them to the Judge to be signed. If the clerk finds something is missing (this is where those required mystery documents seem to appear) he will give it back to you and you will need to gather them and resubmit. Once you are past the clerk. In almost all cases, you and your fiancée will be asked to come back and be interviewed together by the Judge before he will authorize your file(If you do not speak French or Arabic you may need to bring a translator with you--often a lawyer will be fine to do this). If you are already married to another woman, you will be asked to bring her or her representative lawyer also. How long this will take varies, but in most cases it is done the same day or the next day. Once the Judge has completed his interview, he will review your file and authorize it. If the judge is not happy with the file or he does not like how the interview went he may require you to provide something else and resubmit. It is more likely that he may ask you to wait and pick up your file from the clerk later. It may be done later that day or the next day or it my take several days. It is all depending on how the weather that day, the gravitational pull of the sun on earth, if the neighbor's dog was barking all night, or simply how well the man's tea tasted that day....what I am saying is this part is at the whim of the Judge and his clerk. Generally it takes about 1 to 3 days, but they will not tell you exactly when to come back meaning you will need to return each day to check if your file is done or not (your lawyer will do this for you if you choose to have one). So in general this part (From submitting to the clerk to a completely authorized file) takes a minimum of 1 to 3 days or maybe more...expect a week.

You will then need to meet with the Adul of your choice. He will interview you and your fiancée again and he will interview her father or other male witness representing her. If you are already married, your other wife will be required to be interviewed by the Adul also. The Adul will review the authorized file from the Judge and then write your marriage contract based on what all of you tell him to include.  Once the contract is typed and you have signed it it is all done. This may take 1 to 3 days to complete. If there is a ceremonial celebration planned you may wait for that day for the signatures.   

All in all, the fastest time I have ever heard a marriage contract being completed is 2 weeks. For even most Moroccan people it takes about a month to go from Court clerk to a final contract from an Adul. But the real drama is just getting it ready to be submitted to the Court. You really cannot dismiss the fact that it may take several weeks and a great deal of travel around Morocco to meet with various agencies just to get your file ready. For a mixed marriage expect 1 to 3 months...longer if there is a complicated situation like this being a multiple marriage. 

I hope this helps
May God bless you


When you get documents from USA did you get attested from Foreign Affairs in USA or USA embassy in Morrooco?

I am taking about general documents of police check and job certificate etc.

Thanks for your all help.

With best wishes and kind Regards,


Nebraska Girl


The criminal report must be an officially certified  government document. In the USA they send it on official letter head and it is given an official governmental seal of authenticity. I am sure your government does something similar as these kinds of documents are routinely use internationally for a variety of reasons, but if for some reason the one you have is not, then you will need to have it authenticated by your consulate or embassy. If you are unsure, I suggest you go to your consulate and ask. International marriage is a common issue and they should have all the steps to do it here and a list of all required documents and where you need to get them.
Another thing you will need to do is obtain a similar report here in Morocco at the Ministry of Justice in Rabat (Office of Penal Affairs and Pardons).

Best wishes



I am a non-Muslim Male, and want to marry a Muslim-Female from Morocco. What do I need to do?

I live in the US, and we can probably get married here in the US.But, out of respect for her family, I want to go to her hometown and solemnize our marriage there. Suggestions?



Dear Inshallah,

It is good to be in love and decide to marry but importunately some times god puts us to the test. see you are a non musilm as you said and she is a muslim. Well your test and her test is how deep is your love compared with your faith to your religion cause in islamic religion girls are not allowed to Marry in any case a NON muslim so this is her test as she will decide either to choose her love or her god and in your case and in order to abide by your promise to love and cherish and honor her family you should covert to a muslim and her again you have to choose between your love and your god and that is your test.

I think the real test here is not about love it is about belief of god so, is it a sign.....????i advise to read about islam and see some one trustful my be this is your light to a new path of faith regardless of your love and that could be your real sign.

God works in mysterious ways......

Nebraska Girl


Marriage in Morocco is based on Islamic religious law. Morocco WILL NOT acknowledge a marriage between a non-Muslim man and a MUSLIM woman, because it is FORBIDDEN in the religion for women to marry outside of the faith.

Your marriage is still legal in the USA and therefore Morocco will honor this fact as long as you are just visiting and neither of you try to reside in Morocco. It may not seem fair, but if the situation were reversed it would be fine. My husband is Muslim and I was not when we married. But, not all things in Islamic society are the same for men and women. This is to protect the women and children. Your wife should have understood this from her own religious education and upbringing. As a fellow American, I understand how you may see this as an unfair breach of the concept of gender equality that American society is based on. Moroccan Society sees it differently, and even though men and women are equal in humanity under the eyes of God, they are also different with different roles in life, and responsibilities to honor God. 

When you marry it is assumed that you may have a child at some point. There are very specific expectations for men in Islamic families that are not as strong for women. She has other expectations that are specific to her in family matters, so it all equals out; but, in this regard, we must discuss your expectations. A man is considered the head of his household and therefore is responsible for the religious education, safety, and welfare of his wife, children, and all unmarried women entrusted to his care. To ensure your commitment to God to meet this expectation you must do it according to Islamic law.

Simply put, You must convert to Islam and remarry her under Moroccan law for your marriage to her to be valid in Morocco.

Please read mine and other's previous entries for an explanation as to what the process for marriage is here in Morocco.

I hope this helps.
May God bless you and your family.


I am a Muslim living in the USA. i would like to get married in morocco with my feature wife and bring her to the USA. My question is, for how long should i plan a trip to morocco to get engage and apply for her visa. Also should I, apply when we I get engaged for fiancee visa, or should i wait until i get married, than apply for her. She left all her life at the same city and i only visited Morocco once. Neither of us been married before.



I it obvious that you are a virgin and know nothing about women,before you do anything make sure that your fiance' is in love with you and not you passport..... if you dont know the way to test her just ask.... I can help


best of luck to all who are going to be married in any place in the world and pray for our marriage also..


Hi to one and all.
On the topic of marriage in morocco its like getting divorced in the west not as easy as getting married like a whole vice versa thingy lol I intend marrying a morrocan girl inshallah and I wanted to know where do I get all my papers translated into arabic ,is the aadoul not the notary or is that a seperate guy.and cost involved .
I have a close friend and mentor but we lived far a part and he doesn like technology so I can't ask him .he married his second wife in morroco he loves her 2 bits they married 8 years now n he went to see her family twice according to him its not exspensive or time consuming could be coz he likes travelling and every free moment he reads a book . I have dined at their place on short notice a few times can the woman cook wow and her house is as clean as a palace she is hard working and she got this guy like under a spell lol no she just a hardworking woman and she didn care that he was married and he married her a virgin told us the wedding cost $1500


HI wake up before you sin, or wake sin

looks like from what you are saying in your post . draws a scene to me of a person in a supermarket trying to get the best deal of the shelves .

some  subliminal messages you sent are envious of your so called mentor friend like ;lol(not serious), easy to get married(under stating),not expensive( economic) and time consuming(entertaining),woman can cook wow(free cook at home),her house is clean(free maid),working woman( with income) , and a virgin( confirmed stewardship with safe and genuine virgin sex).

so if you put all those notes together you will find;
Not serious issue understating the responsibility and her feelings economic while considering it cheap investment with entertainment included, free cook at home free maid with income confirmed stewardship with safe and genuine  virgin sex

Envey most of the time is not a good issue especially if it is concerned with another human being, you did not say much about your fiance but on your friends wife and people deffer from each other so consider this .... what if you were not as lucky as your friend and your fiance turned out to be 180 degrees different....then who is the virgin her or you....
what will you go shopping for another!!!! amd mess up peoples lives, get real marriage is not a game it is about love, commitment ,trust , responsibility and you my friend simply dont have any of those as expressed between the lines of your writing

Nebraska Girl

I am addressing 2 people: "wakesin",and "farid2012"


Yes....getting married in Morocco is much harder than getting divorced. It is not a bad idea as it ensures people are dedicated to their decision.
To have your papers translated you will need to take them to an official legal translator. Your Consulate here in Morocco should be able to give you a referral to one if you are unable to locate one on your own. They are not hard to find and are often near to the court.
The Adul is NOT a notary. These are completely different offices. You will need both. There is a separate cost for the Adul. Much like a lawyer, he is a representative to the court over religious matters. He predominately works on family matters that requires a religious interpretation contract such as a marriage, divorce, or kafalla(adoption), and he can be required by the court for other legal matters. You may choose the Adul you like. Speak to several as prices vary. He will write your contract for the court once you have the approval by the court to marry.
As for the cost of a wedding this also can vary greatly depending on what type of wedding you want. the cost of the Dowry is strictly a negotiation between you and your wife's family. There is no set cost. The legal cost is only a few hundred dollars, but that is only the beginning, I suggest you speak to a Wedding planner for more in-depth information. It really depends on how big you want the event and what you want to do.


Like "hourico" said above, you need to be very certain of your future wife's motivations. Marriage is a huge step in life and should be entered into lightly. I am not as cynical as to suggest that she is going to use you for a VISA. We all know there are people who will do this, but only you can judge this woman and her motivations. I prefer to believe you are smart and she is honorable. 
The time can vary, but on average it can take about a month to 3 months or more to complete a marriage here in Morocco. That is a completely different issue than getting her the VISA she will need to immigrate to the USA.
Getting an immigration VISA approval to take your wife to the USA is very time consuming and can take up to a year. I suggest you start immediately once you arrive if you intend to marry her here in Morocco. In fact you may choose to take your fiancée to complete the marriage in the United States as it is easier to get married there and it is also easier to get her the non-immigrant VISA if she is intending to get married in the USA. After you have the marriage in the USA, she can get a status change on her VISA if you do it that way. Once you have her residency (Green Card)in the USA, then come back to Morocco. Because you are already Muslim, you can have your marriage made legal here. It will be exactly the same process as it would be if you were not married, but making it legal her will ensure you have no legal issues regarding the validity of your marriage if you ever choose to reside here in Morocco. You may also need this is you are waning your future children to have dual citizenship.

I wish you all the best and may God bless your future.


Hi to one and all
In response to hourico
Wakesin is a lexicon and not a lexigram ( no hidden code in the name mr fbi agent)so to the contrary my dear friend my post was meant for all those who are anxious about the whole morrocan ordeal yes their is a lot of paper work involved I'm not down playing that but there are people who married morrocan woman in less then 5 days, its what we called preplanning and far as lol is concerned it does not indicated unseriousness unless that is what smiling is to you .this side of the world lol is synonumous with happiness and it actually means laugh out loud in reference to my utlisation of it I can't recall or find in my post that I have used it after the word friend or mentor .was I being vague when I said hardworking cause by now I have noticed u have a knack for misreading ,she does not earn an income she is a stay at home wife and she takes pride in that and so do I, that she cares in giving her husband the  the royal treatment and that's called admiration not far as my theoratical fiancee is concerned (no formal engagement took place) their is nothing to say I came here with two intentions to clarify ie my paperwork and to tell those intending to take this journey that life is one yes the paperwork is a lot but try to enjoy marriage is a journey so make sure its the right far as my writing is concerned age is no proof of efficiency and I can go on and on and on words hadhrat umar use to say whenever a man speaks he serves his own purpose . So the question beckons mr hourico what is your purpose (that rhetorical to me by the way) lol .....
To nebraska girl thank you so much for taking the time out to answer my query have a splendid friday to one and all

Nebraska Girl

To every one,
Do no harm!
Please be respectful of other people and their right to voice themselves. We are talking about the happiest event most peoples lives.
You may not like the wording of someone's questions or another reply, but rude comments are counter productive. Please understand that not everyone can effectively express their thoughts as elegantly as others can. Some people may inadvertently make comments some people find disrespectful to Muslim society and Moroccan culture, but this is most likely a lake of education or understanding of what those things truly mean. Teach everyone the truth, but never humiliate anyone in the process. Questioning is the first step to understanding. Teaching is the only way to eliminate ignorance and doing it is offering the Blessing of God to someone in need. 

This is a cross-cultural conversation about a very important topic affecting a great many people. Both women and men read this forum, so react like you are talking with your own mother and father. We may not like some of the life choices or cultural practices of some people, but we must respect their right to make them their own decisions and follow the will of God the best that they can. Pray that if someone is making a mistake that they will see the error of it before it is too late.

We are all Humans just trying to build a life in God's world. Marriage and family are good things.


Thank you guys for your concern. we know each other for more than a year. i visited her in Morocco. we decided to get married, i think it is all good. Since, some member of my family are attending to the Nekah, I wanted to know. How long we have to be in Morocco. As The Nekah paper work should be prepare before Nekah, or we can do a Neckah at home and than me and her can travel to Casablanca for legal paper work.
The second part what is the best and perhaps the way to bring her to the USA.
thank you.

Nebraska Girl

If you intend to do the legal marriage in the USA then the time you will need to be in Morocco will not need to be as long. You may need to be here longer than other members of your family. I suggest you contact the Moroccan embassy in the USA. They can refer you to a legal representative to represent you here to help you get some of your paperwork done before you arrive. This may reduce the time you need to be here in Morocco to just a few weeks or even to a few days.

Another thing is I suggest you take some time before you arrive in Morocco and go to the USA immigration web page   and read the information there about Fiancée Visas under the family heading. You will find links to all the forms you will need and information about fees and time. Also go to the USA Consulate in Casablanca Web site and read the VISA information there. They also have links to the immigration forms that you will need that they will need before she can be approved to exit Morocco.

Having some of this bureaucratic red tape done ahead of time may speed the processing time and make it much easier to plan your final wedding in the USA.

May God bless you and your family


I am in the same situation I am British my fiancé is Moroccan I would love some help and guidance. I am moving to Marrakech in April so we can start proceedings to get married as I've heard it's alot of travelling and proving of faith eligibility and conduct. Thankyou

Nebraska Girl

As you are a woman, it is not so hard because you don't have to be Muslim. All you have to do is get a letter from your church or show proof of membership to one. If you are Jewish it would be a similar type proof. If you are neither one , nor Muslim then you may need to convert before they will allow it. Unfortunately there is a great deal of running around, a couple of trips to the consulate in Casablanca and Also to Different offices in Rabat. See my previous entries for the requirements. 
I wish you all the best and much happiness.

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