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Hi! This message is mainly for expat women although anyone can answer. If anyone can recommend a great taxi driver, I would appreciate it. I need someone I can rely on and that will be my exclusive go-to guy. I need someone who is a good driver, professional and has a clean, car that won't break down somewhere. Not too much to ask, right? :D I don't plan on driving for awhile but I can't rely on my coworkers forever. I need someone who will take me to and from work, to run errands etc. If you have any good recommendations, please message me the info. Thank you in advance. P.S. I'm a great, easygoing person! :)

See also

How to drive in KuwaitWoman & Driver LicenceIssueing driving licence in kuwaitDriving license for housewife 2024I didn't get a car allowance

hold on a sec, i might be able to help, i'll send an APB to the ladies of the rugby society, im sure one of em will have the number of a reliable lad.. there was this one girl who now moved to China...

teachers, they get around :P (the globe!)

(no offence!)


Hey, Someone I have used in the past is Hamed tele:99594615. The only problem is you don't get the same driver every time but they are reliable, clean cars and you won't get ripped off. Good luck and be careful.


Thanks guys! I am going to need someone who can be available at all hours, everyday. My work schedule is unpredictable. Depending on what I have going on, I could leave the office at 6pm or 11pm. I don't think I'll have places to go other than work unless it's the weekend. Even the weekends are unpredictable! I actually have go to work on Saturday. Happy "first week in Kuwait" to me! :) Loving it so far.


glad ur getting the feel for the area MJD :D

say, whats ur budget like? coz if u dont mind spending a bit, id suggest a taxi service rather than an individual, call taxis. like lets say from Salmiya to Kuwait city is 1.5KD in a roaming taxi, it would be 2 with these people. but u call dispatch, u get a number, and if u ever leave anything behind, u can find it.

they are called Gulf Shields, call taxi. not roaming.


Hi legacy! How are you? Thanks for the suggestion. The thing is, I want someone I can count on at all hours. If I want him to wait for me etc. I just think having one person would be best. I don't want to call a taxi service, wait etc. But I might try out your suggestion until I find a good regular option. PS. I found an apartment!!!!!! It's unfurnished, which isn't what I had wanted but I wasn't willing to pay 550 to 600 KD for a place with not-so great furniture. This allows me to decorate and go shopping. It's fun, but also time consuming. I have been at the office this week until almost midnight. I can't wait to settle in and start exploring. Keep your great tips and advice coming! I truly appreciate them.

Now, where to get inexpensive furniture and appliances?


LoL, we think alike - i just shared that info with "you" on another post :P here

appliances,, appliances,, try the Wansa brand, its available at excite's stores, they're good. also, get your appliances etc from places like careffour, Geant and the likes.

furniture, like i said, Dajeej is the way to go. there are three places there i would recommend, but again, make an adventure of it and explore :) they are Banta, Midas and Furniture Wholesale.

theres also a furniture area near Al-Rai, which is roughly down the road from the Avenues.they have a furniture wholesale branch there as well.

would love to help u out more, work assignment this friday :S out for 12 days. Good ol' Saudi Arabia,, wonder if i'll get arrested for jogging in shorts there?


heres the thing; what u do is u try out the service, find the most reliable guy there, then ask if u can call them directly and get them to come to u, wait etc. think of the first few rides as "trials" :)


msjaydee wrote:

Hi legacy! How are you? Thanks for the suggestion. The thing is, I want someone I can count on at all hours. If I want him to wait for me etc. I just think having one person would be best. I don't want to call a taxi service, wait etc. But I might try out your suggestion until I find a good regular option. PS. I found an apartment!!!!!! It's unfurnished, which isn't what I had wanted but I wasn't willing to pay 550 to 600 KD for a place with not-so great furniture. This allows me to decorate and go shopping. It's fun, but also time consuming. I have been at the office this week until almost midnight. I can't wait to settle in and start exploring. Keep your great tips and advice coming! I truly appreciate them.

Now, where to get inexpensive furniture and appliances?

Go to friday Market :) ,
Its like the sunday Market in other countries !!!


Legacy, no, your info is more than enough thanks! Enjoy work and don't do anything scandalous like wear short in KSA. lol.

Moo, where is this Friday Market? :)


its open fridays (duh :P) and saturdays, and it is off the fourth ring road; behind Lulu Hypermarket.

if ur on the fourth head down till u see Lulu on your left, keep heading straight down as if ur going to the UN Roundabout, when u see gulf bank to your right there will be a bridge after that, dont go up the bridge, instead take a u-turn from beneath it, as if ur heading back towards salmiya on the 4th. take the first right exit, its close to the u-turn end so be careful u dont miss it, head straight down that road, the entrance to the friday market will be on your left :D

or just tell the taxi driver friday market :P

another option is u take the exit onto the airport road (route 55) from the fourth ring road, Lulu will be on your right, and then you take the first right turn on that road.

its a huge place so be sure to allot the proper time for looking around. and try to go with a friend who speaks arabic so they can haggle for u, or try ur own luck and save a few bucks :D


Thanks for the info, legacy. I am gonna have to put off my shopping adventures for awhile. The apartment fell through. Something fishy is going on. Too many contradicting stories were told to me. Back to square one. I am beyond annoyed and pissed of. I don't have time for this bull*&#@. Anyway, back to the drawing table. :/


HI. you Should Contact me ... I will do that if your work place is not so far. :-)


Sorry Jay, sometimes things like that happen :(

im sure ur destined for a much better place; actually i might be able to suggest one. i am not sure if they will have vacant apartments, and i dont have a telephone number, only a description.

chin up, it will all be better in the morning ^^,


I hope there is a great place out there for me that's available soon. Fingers crossed. On a positive note, I went to the Friday Market!!! What fun! That place is huge!!! My feet hurt but I enjoyed my grand adventure. Now I know where to go once I get my apartment. :) enjoy the weekend and happy Easter to some!


Hi JayDee, sounds like you are having an adventurous time so far!? Did you get an apartment sorted out?
I am moving over on May 31st and was also wondering about furnished/unfurnished. Can't wait to be there!
Have a nice weekend (what is left of it!)....:)


Hi Kay!

It is quite an adventure. I got an apartment! Thank God. I ended up getting an unfurnished one and have beeen busy cleaning, buying furniture etc. I haven't been on the blog because I can't seem to get internet at my apartment and my Haris (the maintenance guy/watchkeeper?) is lazy and always says "tomorrow, inshallah" whenever I ask him to do something. But I digress.

Personally, I came in only wanting furnished but the options I saw were overpriced for small apartments with ugly, uncomfortable furniture. If you think about it, the extra 100/150KD you pay for it to be furnished - you could furnish an apartment yourself with what you like with what you would have paid for a furnished place in a few months. My unfurnished place is big and has a huge kitchen (for Kuwait standard) and a lovely sea view. Let me know if you when you get here if you're interested and I'll see if there is a vacancy. And I will also try to pass on all the experiences and tips I have gained.

Kayvictoria wrote:

Hi JayDee, sounds like you are having an adventurous time so far!? Did you get an apartment sorted out?
I am moving over on May 31st and was also wondering about furnished/unfurnished. Can't wait to be there!
Have a nice weekend (what is left of it!)....:)


MJD exemplifies the true expat in Kuwait, paying it forward...



Thanks legacy! I learned from best *hint hint* :D

legacy wrote:

MJD exemplifies the true expat in Kuwait, paying it forward...



A sea view? Lovely!
How is the weather now? it's amazing!!

I think initially my company will find me digs for 2 months, then I'll have time to find somewhere suitable.
See your point about non furnished, but so can't be bothered getting several taxis a day for shopping. Lol!
Have you braved the roads much?
See you soon!!


Hi Kay!

Glad your company is giving you a place for a couple of months. I had 2 weeks in a hotel. It was definitely not enough time. 2 months will be enough for you to take your time to learn the areas and see whether you want to furnish a place or get one that's already furnished. I haven't done much shopping because I don't want to take taxis to each and every shop so I wait until my friends can take me. I have yet to drive and I am dreading it, but I know I will have to sooner or later because it's a hassle not having a car. As for the weather, it's not bad. It's getting hot and it's sometimes dusty but I hear it gets super hot in the summer so we'll see.

I do enjoy my sea view from my balcony (inside in the air condititioning) though every morning. I don't recommend you use a real estate agent if you have a couple of months to explore. I would ask around (people here can help) and just walk around. Also, be prepared to be patient. Things just don't seem to be efficient here.

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