Electric, water charges and leases queries

We are currently living in Swieqi and although I really like our apartment, I don't think it is worth what we are paying for it. Initially we were desperate as we only had a week in hotel booked and we needed an apartment. It is in a good location but we are paying 780EUR per month PLUS 250EUR for elec and water per month (although we have been told this will be adjusted when the bills come in). I wondered if this is the norm here and how much others are paying? We are a family of 3 adults and one baby. We have also signed a one year lease. I am aware if we break the lease we would lose our 780EUR deposit, but would there be any other problems we might encounter if we were to leave sooner than the years lease?

We have had a lot of problems in this apartment and we haven't even been here a week and although the landlord has been accommodating, I just think the 780 plus the 250 we are paying is a bit steep and we could have done much better. In hindsight I wish we had stayed another week in a hotel and looked longer. I now find I am longing for the sea views back in Mellieha. What are most people paying for rent and utilities if you don't mind me asking?

I should note that for the 780EUR per month we are getting a cleaner once fortnightly plus use of a communal pool in summer months.


Rents tend to depend on where you are and what you get for it and is subjective and emotive.....there are lots fo lovely properties here in Mellieha and a lot cheaper than that......as for utility bills the 250e month is far too steep....but then that also depends on how many consumer occupiers are registered as living in the property. take a reading now and let me know what the start reading and date is and i will work out what you should be paying...OK PM me

we have lost two deposits in the four years we have lived here but it was our choice in order to get what we really wanted...call it a learning curve or experience...  hopefully we have now got what we want - been in this property for 3 years now and the rent is still the same (approx 600e for a 3bed penthouse. massive terraces sea view, no pool tho but we have now got a 9x6 paddling pool lol ...but we have the 8 beaches to go to)...utils here with three registered consumers approx 70-80euros per month.....

We pay 70 euro on top of our rent on account,
We are monitoring the Water and Electric, 1 to keep an eye on what we are using, and 2 to keep an eye on if we owe money on top of that or if the landlord owes us money

Be aware there are different rates if all occupiers are not registered as consumers in the property - this can make a substantial difference of up to a 40% increase......if there are no consumers registered you will pay approx 5.50e for 1 cu meter of water (1000L) rather than approx 1.50e. this lower rate applies to registered consumers and thus allows each consumer 33cu meters per year at discounted rates - as long as you dont exceed the usage. Also in terms of your electric if you are not registered you will lose out on the eco discount too 25% discount on the first 1000 units and 15% discount on the next 750 units per person.... note a sole user is allowed upto 2000 units discounted by 25% but several consumers are allowed 1750 each....these discounts only apply if you do not exceed them - if you do then they are lost completely and will pay the full whack for the whole year....this makes a considerable difference to your bills and is worth following up on.

Also note depending on whether your supply is single phase or three phase this makes a difference to your service charges too (treble for three phase 195 instead of 65 per yr).
https://www.smartutilities.com.mt/wps/p … 1MzBLMg!!/

a good guide to keep within the eco discounts rules would be

about 4.75 units per person per day for electricity
about 90 litres per person per day for water

toonarmy9752 wrote:

if there are no consumers registered you will pay approx 5.50e for 1 cu meter of water (1000L) rather than approx 1.50e. this lower rate applies to registered consumers and thus allows each consumer 33cu meters per year at discounted rates - as long as you dont exceed the usage.

you still get the 33m3 at the lower rate even if you exceed it

We pay 100 euros per month for combined for water and electricity. Recently had a meter reading just to check and avoid nasty suprises, and we are using more or less what we are paying. We are 2 adults and a small child in a 3 bed apartment. I have used the aircon a lot this winter too. 250 a month seems pretty extreme to me!

georgeingozo wrote:
toonarmy9752 wrote:

if there are no consumers registered you will pay approx 5.50e for 1 cu meter of water (1000L) rather than approx 1.50e. this lower rate applies to registered consumers and thus allows each consumer 33cu meters per year at discounted rates - as long as you dont exceed the usage.

you still get the 33m3 at the lower rate even if you exceed it

do you - thats news to me  - are you sure?

Thanks George never new that - just checked with my computations and you are right...and the calculator still calcs discounts......so whats the point of the 33 cu m allowance..seemes like a bit "Only in Malta" to me...so really theres no financial incentive to save water then....as its all the same price....maybe a moral incentive only.

its not all the same price, as its 1.50 odd for the first bit of consumption, and then 5.50 odd after that - its because water is from 2 sources, ground water (cheap) and desalinated (expensive), so the cheap stuff is shared out per person

Hi there. Does any one know about getting a subsidy for installing solar panels?

do you mean solar water heater or photovoltaic panels ?

actually I'm not sure. I thought solar panels produced electricity which could be fed into the grid, but I may be talking about photovoltaic panels. The object would be to produce electricity, not to heat water. Thanks, George.

in that case you mean photovoltaic (PV) panels :-)

grants for those are normally done twice a year, and typically are up to 50% of the cost, up to a € 3000 grant

when available they are announced in the media and on the enemalta website, but its worth doing your homework before the grants are announced as they can go quite quickly - I'll PM you some stuff

thanks, George