Do you know a company in SP where you can speak english/french/flemish


Everyhting is in the tittle:
Do you know a company in SP where you can speak english/french/flemish?

This is beacause I have like a crazy dream.. Im mad about travelling and discover new cultures!But at my age (20), travel is good but to get professional experience is better.
That's why I would like to do a 1 month internship in SP. I have been living in Belgium, Im studying marketing and I speak French, English and Flemmish.

Thanks for your help!


Olivia welcome to

thank you wilson_derry!!

Hello Olivia,

Welcome to Expat-blog.

There are a number of French multi-national companies in Brazil several of which are in São Paulo. Please follow the links below to their websites. Good luck in turning your dreams into realities.

Hope this gets you started in the right direction. One thing that I will advise you is to start learning Portuguese right away. Even though these companies are French based and English is becoming much more important in business here, Portuguese continues to be the operative language in the workplace.

Good luck job hunting.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog

Thank you very much, I send some e-mail with letter and CV to some of the company you gave me wjwoodward.

But that's not finished, I still need help guys :)

Hi Olivia,

Well at least you've made the first step of your journey. If you need help just ask, that's what we're here for... to help one another in whatever way we can. Good luck and keep me posted on your progress.

William James Woodward - Brazil Animator, Expat-blog