
New I.D. card rules

Last activity 30 July 2018 by bhushanpawar

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these will be for non-Maltese, and are not strictly ID cards, but residency cards (which can be used for ID purposes),  which every EU country is permitted to issue to foreigners.

The criteria I presume will be the same as for residency certificate now - ie income/capital and health cover sufficient not to be a burden on the state - plus the usual paperwork like birth certificate etc


The ID card they plan to issue to Maltese will contain information they cannot by law put onto a foreigners card, and so they cannot issue the same card to locals and foreigners


what will be interesting will be whether they will automatically issue them to people who have already successfully applied for a residency certificate, which hasn't expired. I renewed mine earlier this year.


Hi George,

my Residence Documentation has as a renewal date ****** !!

So that must mean it is valid forever ? It was issued on the 22.Feb. 2010.

Does your new one carry an expiry date?



mines the same - its an undated one, which isn't quite as good as a permanent one as a permanent one gives free access to health care for life, but it never has to be renewed.

I can't see why that cant be automatically swapped for the new card


mines is the same ?


Looks like three types of card -
one for maltese,
one for non maltese who are not asylum seekers or failed asylum seekers
one for asylum seekers and failed asylum seekers

C 2705
L.N. 308 of 2012
(CAP. 460)
Identity Card and other Identity Documents Act Order, 2012
IN exercise of the powers conferred upon him by article 4(2) of
the European Union Act, the Prime Minister has made the following
Citation and
1. (1) The title of this order is the Identity Card and other
Identity Documents Act Order, 2012.
(2) This order shall come into force on such date as the Prime
Minister may, by notice in the Gazette appoint, and different dates
may be so appointed for different purposes and for different
provisions of this order.
Substitutes the
Identity Card
Cap. 258.
2. The Identity Card Act (Cap. 258) shall be substituted by
the following new Act:
“Short title. 1. The short title of this Act is the Identity
Card and other Identity Documents Act, 2012.
Definitions. 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise
Cap. 420.
"asylum seeker" means a person who has made
an application for asylum in terms of the Refugees
"authorised officer" means the public officer
designated by the Prime Minister as the person
authorized to issue identity documents, and, to the
extent of any power delegated as hereinafter provided,
includes any person delegated for the purpose by the
public officer designated as the authorised officer;
Cap. 420.
"failed asylum seeker" means a person whose
application for asylum has been refused in terms of the
Refugees Act;
"holder", in relation to an identity document,
means the person in respect of whom it is issued;
"identity card" means a document issued under
Part A;
"identity document" means an identity card, a
residence document and an identification document
issued under this Act;
B 2706
C 2706"identification document" means a documentissued under Part C;Cap. 217.Cap. 420."prescribed" means prescribed by regulationsunder this Act, the Immigration Act or the RefugeesAct, as the case may be;"residence document" means any documentissued under Part B;Cap. 490."Tribunal"means the Administrative ReviewTribunal established by article 5 of the AdministrativeJustice Act.Issuanceofidentificationdocuments tovarious classes.3.In addition to identity documents as definedin article 2, the authorised officer may issuedocuments which shall serve as a means to identifysuch class or classes of persons as may be prescribed.Part AIDENTITY CARDSPossession ofidentity cards.4.Every Maltese national over the age offourteen years shall be in possession of a valid identitycard and for this purpose he shall make applicationtherefor in accordance with the provisions of this Actnot later than one month after his fourteenth birthdayor in the case of Maltese nationals returning to Maltawith the intention of setting up permanent residence,as soon as possible after their return to Malta, providedthat where the identity card is requested during thefirst six months of residence, the provisions of article8(2) shall apply.Issue and contentsof identity cards.5.(1)Identity cards shall be issued by theauthorised officer and shall be authenticated as may beprescribed.(2)An identity card shall contain a photographof the person in respect of whom it is issued which inthe opinion of the authorised officer truly resemblessuch person at the time the identity card is issued andshall indicate the date on which its validitycommences and expires, and his act of birth number asgiven by the Public Registry. It shall moreover containthe signature of the holder or a reproduction of a recentsignature of the holder, and also the followingparticulars concerning such person:-(a)name and surname;(b)the address of the principal place ofresidence;(c)sex;
B 2707
C 2707(d)nationality;(e)place and date of birth,and may include such other particulars or informationas the authorised officer may deem appropriate:Provided that the card may also include aname and, or surname by which the person iscommonly known, which name and, or surname is tobe indicated by the words "known as" at the discretionof the authorised officer. The inclusion of the words"known as" preceding a name and, or surname shallonly be permitted if the authorised officer is satisfiedthat there are sufficient grounds to merit theirinclusion. The decision of the authorised officer shallbe based on the prescribed criteria.(3)An identity card shall be made of suchmaterial and in such manner as in the opinion of theauthorised officer provide adequate security againstforgery, tampering or alteration thereof, and it shall, inany case, include a limited area where machinereadable coded information may be inserted to enablethe electronic identification of the holder and whichinformation may include information relevant to theholder’s biometric data as may be prescribed.Cap. 440.(4)The use of any biometric data as may becaptured may only be used as a means with which toidentify a person during a transaction in which thatperson is engaged and the use of such identityverification shall require the consent of the holder. Theuse of such biometric data for any other purposeincluding criminal investigation is prohibited and shallconstitute a breach of the Data Protection Act.Illegal use of data.6.(1)A person who feels aggrieved by theillegal use or processing of his personal biometric datamay apply, for redress, to the authorised officer.(2)Without prejudice to the foregoingprovisions of this Act, the Tribunal shall havejurisdiction to hear and determine all appeals made bya person aggrieved by a decision given by theauthorised officer regarding the illegal use orprocessing of personal biometric data.(3)The Tribunal may require the authorisedofficer to provide the Tribunal with such informationor advice as the Tribunal may deem necessary for theproper execution of its functions.
B 2708
C 2708(4)An appeal from a decision of the authorisedofficer as aforesaid shall be made by application andshall be filed with the Secretary of the Tribunal withintwenty days from the date on which the said decisionhas been notified.Cap. 490.(5)The provisions of the AdministrativeJustice Act, in so far as they apply to theAdministrative Review Tribunal, shall apply to anyproceedings before the said Tribunal and the words"public administration" in the said enactment shall beconstrued as a reference to the authorised officer.Validity of, andapplication for anidentitycard.7.(1)An identity card shall remain validfor a maximum period of ten years or such otherperiod as may be prescribed:Provided that the Prime Minister may at anytime (other than the period between the dissolution ofParliament and the conclusion of the first generalelection held after such dissolution), by notice in theGazette terminate, in such manner and on such date ordates as he may deem appropriate, the validity of all orany number of identity cards:Provided further that where an identity cardhas been issued in respect of a Maltese national underthe age of sixteen or eighteen years, such identity cardshall cease to be valid upon the sixteenth or eighteenthbirthday of the holder thereof, as the case may be.Such holder shall be obliged to seek to have hisidentity card reissued not later than one month after hissixteenth or eighteenth birthday.(2)Where the holder of an identity card is aperson to whom article 4 applies, such person shall,not later than one month prior to the expiration of thevalidity of the identity card, or not later than onemonth after the termination of the validity of theidentity card, as the case may require, apply for a newidentity card in accordance with the provisions of thisAct and shall surrender the invalid card for a new one.Withdrawal andchange of identitycard.8.(1)The authorised officer may cause thecancellation of an identity card and request the holderof an identity card to surrender such card so thatanother card with travel limitations and, or electronicsigning restrictions be issued. This shall take place inany of the following cases, where:
B 2709
C 2709(a)there is in force an order issued by acourt or tribunal established by law, prohibitingthe holder from leaving Malta without requestingauthorisation of such court or tribunal;(b)the holder has accepted to be releasedon bail under a condition not to leave Maltawithout the authorisation of any Court ortribunal;Cap. 9.(c)the holder has been released fromdetention by the Executive Police under thecondition not to leave Malta without theauthorisation of the investigating officer underarticle 355AL of the Criminal Code;(d)the holder is unable to assumeresponsibility for his actions, in terms of an orderissued by a court or tribunal established by law,or an order made by any authority that has a legalright in this regard.(2)When a Maltese national returns to Maltaintending to set up permanent residence, the identitycard cannot be used for travel purposes and such cardshall be cancelled once a new identity card is issued 6months from the return as referred to in article 4.Part BRESIDENCE DOCUMENTS AND OTHERDOCUMENTSPossession ofresidencedocuments.Cap. 217.Cap. 420.9.(1)Every person residing in Malta butwho is not a Maltese national, an asylum seeker or afailed asylum seeker, shall be in possession of a validresidence document issued in accordance with theprovisions of the Immigration Act or the RefugeesAct.Cap. 217.Cap. 420.(2)An asylum seeker or a failed asylum seekerresident in Malta shall be in possession of a documentissued in terms of the Immigration Act, the RefugeesAct or any regulations made thereunder, as the casemay be.Issue and contentsof residencedocuments.10.(1)Residence documents as referred toin article 9, shall be issued by the authorised officerand shall be authenticated as may be prescribed.
B 2710
C 2710(2)A residence document shall contain aphotograph of the person in respect of whom it isissued which, in the opinion of the authorised officer,truly resembles such person at the time the residencedocument is issued. It shall moreover contain thesignature of the holder or a reproduction of a recentsignature of the holder, and also the followingparticulars concerning such person:(a)name and surname;(b)the address of the principal place ofresidence;(c)nationality;(d)place and date of birth,and may include such other particulars or informationas the authorised officer may deem appropriate.(3)A residence document shall be made ofsuch material and in such manner as in the opinion ofthe authorised officer, or as established by law, provideadequate security against forgery, tampering oralteration thereof, and it shall, in any case, include alimited area where machine readable codedinformation may be inserted to enable the electronicidentification of the holder.Cap. 217.Cap. 420.(4)The use of any information captured duringthe residence document issuance process may only beused for the purposes of the Immigration Act, theRefugees Act and any related subsidiary legislation.(5)Without prejudice to the foregoingprovisions of this Act, the provisions of article 6(2),(3), (4) and (5) shall,mutatis mutandis, apply topersons who feel aggrieved by the illegal use orprocessing of their personal information.Validity of, andapplication forresidencedocuments.Cap. 217.Cap. 420.11.The validity of a residence document shallbe regulated by the provisions of the Immigration Act,the Refugees Act and related subsidiary legislation oras may be determined by the Authorised Officer.Withdrawal andchange of residencedocument.12.The authorised officer may cause thecancellation of a residence document and request theholder of a residence document to surrender suchdocument so that another document with electronicsigning restrictions be issued. This shall take placewhen there is a court judgement that determines theholder’s inability to assume signing responsibility.
B 2711
C 2711Part CIDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTSPossession ofidentificationdocuments.Cap. 217.Cap. 420.13.Every asylum seeker and failed asylumseeker shall be in possession of a valid identificationdocument issued in accordance with the ImmigrationAct, the Refugees Act or any regulations madethereunder, as the case may be.Issue and contentsof identificationdocuments.14.(1)Identification documents shall beissued by the authorised officer and shall beauthenticated as may be prescribed.(2)An identification document shall contain aphotograph of the person in respect of whom it isissued which in the opinion of the authorised officertruly resembles such person at the time the residencedocument is issued and shall indicate the date onwhich its validity commences and expires. It shallmoreover, contain the signature of the holder or areproduction of a recent signature of the holder, andalso the following particulars concerning such person:(a)name and surname;(b)the address of the principal place ofresidence;(c)nationality;(d)place and date of birth,and may include such other particulars or informationas the authorised officer may deem appropriate.(3)An identification document shall be madeof such material and in such manner as in the opinionof the authorised officer provide adequate securityagainst forgery, tampering or alteration thereof, and itmay, in any case, include a limited area where machinereadable coded information may be inserted to enablethe electronic identification of the holder.Cap. 217.Cap. 420.(4)The use of any information captured duringthe identification document issuance process may onlybe used for the purposes of the Immigration Act andthe Refugees Act:Provided that it shall be unlawful for theholder of such document to allow its use by anyoneelse.
B 2712
C 2712Validity of, andapplication foridentificationdocuments.15.The validity of an identification documentshall be regulated by the provisions of the ImmigrationAct, the Refugees Act and regulations madethereunder or as may be determined by the authorisedofficer.Part DMISCELLANEOUSApplication foridentity documents.16.(1)An application for the issue of anidentity document shall be made on such form as maybe provided by the authorised officer or as may beprescribed and shall contain such information andparticulars and shall be accompanied by anydocuments as may be required by the authorisedofficer or as may be prescribed. Any requirementresulting from any form referred to in this article shallbe deemed to be a requirement by the authorisedofficer made under this article.(2)An application shall be required by theauthorised officer to be made at a place or placesindicated by him, or as may be prescribed, and shallalso be required to be made in person.Safe custodyofdocuments.17.(1)Every person to whom an identitydocument has been issued shall keep it in his safecustody and shall produce it on demand, or as may beprescribed, or as may be required by any enactment,and, where so required by any enactment, deliver it toany lawful authority:Provided that a person shall not be requiredto deliver a valid identity document unless he is givena receipt therefor by the person requiring its delivery.(2)For the purposes of this article "lawfulauthority" means a person or authority authorised bylaw to require the production or delivery of an identitydocument.(3)Any member of the police force mayrequire any person to whom an identity document hasbeen issued to produce that document on demand or, ifit is not practicable for the person so required toproduce it on demand, not later than twenty-fourhours, or at an earlier time which may be established,to produce such document after the demand is made.
B 2713
C 2713(4)Where a person has delivered a valididentity document to a lawful authority as provided inthis article, the receipt given to him in respect thereofshall, until he is again in possession of his identitycard, be sufficient evidence that he possesses a valididentity document.Document to beevidence of identityof holder.18.An identity document which has not beentampered with shall, unless its validity expires or isterminated, be evidence of the identity of the holder asshown on the document, and shall be accepted as suchby every public officer or authority and by every otherperson.Incorrectparticulars ondocument.19.(1)Whenever for any reason any of theparticulars or any other information contained in anidentity document is or becomes incorrect, the holderof the document shall, without delay, report the fact tothe authorised officer and shall surrender the incorrectdocument to, and give all such information as may berequired by, that officer.(2) The officer shall thereafter cause thedocument to be indelibly marked as "Withdrawn asIncorrect" and, or destroyed and shall issue anotherdocument in substitution therefor.Loss, destruction,etc., of document.20.(1)If an identity document is lost, stolen,destroyed or defaced, the holder of that documentshall, without delay, report the fact to the authorisedofficer and, in the case of a defaced document, shallsurrender the defaced document to that officer.(2)Upon an application for the issue of anidentity document in substitution of a document lost,stolen, destroyed or defaced, and upon the payment ofany applicable fee as may be prescribed, the authorisedofficer, if satisfied that the document has been lost,destroyed or defaced and, in the case of a defaceddocument, that it has been surrendered as required bythis Act, shall issue a fresh document.(3)Except as provided in subarticle (2), orunless the authorised officer is of the opinion that heshould, subject to any conditions he may deemappropriate, act otherwise in the circumstances, noidentity document shall be issued in respect of thesame person unless all documents previously issued inrespect of that person, including a document thevalidity of which has expired, have been surrenderedto that officer.
B 2714
C 2714(4)For the purposes of this article an identitydocument shall be treated as lost if the authorisedofficer is satisfied that it is not recoverable.Entries ondocument.21.Without prejudice to the provisions ofarticles 5(2), 10(2) and 13(2) relating to the signatureof the holder, no person other than the authorisedofficer shall make any mark or entry upon, or erase,cancel, alter or substitute any mark or entry madeupon, or otherwise deface or destroy, an identitydocument.Use andpossessionofdocument restrictedto holder, etc.22.(1)No person other than the holderthereof, or the agent of the holder in the carrying out ofany requirement of this Act or of any other law onbehalf of the holder, shall have in his possession, ormake any use whatever of, any identity document.(2)Any person who comes into possession ofan identity document issued to some other person shallforthwith deliver or forward it to the holder thereof orto the authorised officer.(3)Any person who through deceit or omissionfrom reporting the retrieval of a document previouslyreported as lost, stolen or destroyed has in hispossession more than one identity document issued inrespect of him shall without delay and in personproduce such documents to the authorised officer andshall surrender to him such one or more of thedocuments as that officer shall require.Power to makeregulations.23.The Prime Minister may make regulationsfor prescribing anything which is required orauthorised by this Act to be prescribed and forcarrying into full effect the provisions of this Act.Offences andpenalties.Cap. 217.Cap. 420.24.(1)Without prejudice to the provisionsof subarticle (2), the Immigration Act and theRefugees Act, and of any higher punishments thereinprovided, any person who contravenes or fails tocomply with any of the provisions of this Act, or ofany regulations made thereunder, or of anyrequirement of the authorised officer, shall, in respectof each offence, be liable to a fine (multa) as may beprescribed or to an administrative penalty as may beestablished for each day during which the offencecontinues.(2)Any person who -
B 2715
C 2715(a)with intent to deceive contravenesany of the provisions of article 21 or of article22(1); or(b)makes any false statement, or givesany false information, or produces any falsedocument, for any of the purposes of this Act,knowing the same to be false; or(c)forges an identity document or anyother document whatsoever required by, orintended for, any of the purposes of this Act; or(d)aids or abets the commission of anyoffence against the foregoing paragraphs of thissubarticle, shall be liable on conviction toimprisonment for a period of not less than twoyears and not exceeding five years.Consequentialamendment to theEuropeanParliamentElections Act,Cap. 467.25.The European Parliament Elections shall beamended as follows:(a)in subarticle (1) of article 14 the words "avalid identity document:" shall be substituted by thewords "a valid identity document." andthe provisothereof shall be deleted; and(b)article 16 shall be substituted as follows:Deregistrationfrom theElectoral Roll.16.A person whose name appearson the Electoral Roll may at any time, inwriting, request the Electoral Commissionto remove his name from such ElectoralRoll and thereupon his name shall bestruck off the Electoral Roll.Repeal and saving.Cap. 258.26.(1)Saving the provisions of sub-article(2), the Identity Card Act, hereinafter referred to as the"repealed Act", is hereby repealed, without prejudiceto anything done or omitted to be done thereunder.(2)Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article (1), any action prescribed and taken under therepealed Act and any pending criminal proceedings inrespect of offences provided for in the repealed Act,shall continue to be so prescribed, taken and treatedunder this Act, and the provisions of this Act shall,mutatis mutandis, apply in respect of such prescribedaction and any pending criminal proceedings.”.
B 2716
Ippubblikat mid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni ( — Valletta — Published by the Department of Information ( — Valletta
Mitbugħ fl-Istamperija tal-Gvern fuq karta riċiklata — Printed at the Government Printing Press on recycled paper


I think I've spotted the relevant bits

"Every person residing in Malta butwho is not a Maltese national, an asylum seeker or afailed asylum seeker, shall be in possession of a validresidence document"

"A residence document shall contain aphotograph of the person in respect of whom it isissued which, in the opinion of the authorised officer,truly resembles such person at the time the residencedocument is issued. It shall moreover contain thesignature of the holder or a reproduction of a recentsignature of the holder, and also the followingparticulars concerning such person:(a)name and surname;(b)the address of the principal place ofresidence;(c)nationality;(d)place and date of birth,and may include such other particulars or informationas the authorised officer may deem appropriate."


I those are the relevant bits, then its to be called a residence document, not an ID card and a separate residence certificate as now.Also doesn't include finger prints which will be on Maltese citizen version, and other data.

In other words it appears to be as we speculated - a combined ID/residency card, with less info than the Maltese citizen version.

Toon … 0.facebook


thanks :-)

can't find the form on the website


georgeingozo wrote:

thanks :-)

can't find the form on the website

its under downloads - and looks like the same form I filled in for my res certs 4.5 years ago...


I can't see it - all I see under downloads is


Manwal fuq l-użu tal-Malti fil-Kompjuter"


I can still see the old form, but not the new one :-(


Does this mean we all have to re apply now or do we only need to do it if we change our address or our id cards need renewing?


not a clue - hopefully get some clarification, but I suspect as its issued by a different department, will have to reapply rather than just swap


ive just mailed the dept and asked the question about proving ourselves all over again.!!!!!! or will they just be able to swap the old res cert for the new one.

its def the same form - not sure if there is another one i.e a new form - i suspect not....

and same documentary evidence is required by the looks of care cover, passports, photos etc birth marriage and divorce papers financial status and all that


it should be a new form as its being done by a different department ??


I've also emailed them - why don't they put a bit of thought into it, and  publish a FAQ - save themselves and us a lot of time and effort !


its Malta - since when do they ever think about anything?. and its more likely to be being done in a rush in foolish attempt to avoid any fallout with the associated issues of residency id cards the election, and the current ARMs thing


id not be too happy at having to do this all over again - and am hoping that we can simply swap our current res certs for the new ones.....but as is the norm here i bet it aint that simple.


toonarmy9752 wrote:

and am hoping that we can simply swap our current res certs for the new ones..

logically there is no reason for reapplying if you have a res cert that has no expiry date, but...


its going to be interesting to see what happens with those people/residents who only currently have id cards and have had them for res certs...if they will enforce the renewal/replacement. As the new one will have the same requirements imposed and this is exactly what many have been avoiding showing/ proving for years.


georgeingozo wrote:
toonarmy9752 wrote:

and am hoping that we can simply swap our current res certs for the new ones..

logically there is no reason for reapplying if you have a res cert that has no expiry date, but...



the two dont go together and sure as hell shouldnt be used in the same sentence.


toonarmy9752 wrote:

its going to be interesting to see what happens with those people/residents who only currently have id cards and have had them for res certs...if they will enforce the renewal/replacement. As the new one will have the same requirements imposed and this is exactly what many have been avoiding showing/ proving for years.

indeed - expect lots of indignant and misinformed letters in the Times


assuming they print them of course.


i wonder what, if any, enforcement will take place will they write to all current id card holders and instruct them to apply / renew. and what follow up will there be?


so many (good) questions, but no answers


and when will Arriva stop accepting A ID cards ?


Arriva has been on thin ice all along.

In their own small print in the past they have accepted either ID cards or residence certificates as proof of residency and cheaper bus rates.

If they keep on accepting the old ID cards as proof of residency it will an easy discrimination case against Arriva, so expect the change in rules very soon. They have enough other problems on their hands.

Those with residency certificates are ok (as they have been in the past) but those with ID cards only .....

I will be one of the first to show my residency certificate to the Arriva bus driver after the first of January 2013. Lets see how well trained they are -)))



New forms are not avaialble yet.


The new forms are now on the website, its not really clear which ones we need to use if we already have a residency certificate though, did anyone hear back from the emails they sent for clarification?


yep looks like the NEW FORMS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD but I think its going to depend on what your own personal circumstances are as to which form or selection of forms that will be required to be completed.

am i reading this wrong? - for those EU with a current ORDINARY residence certificate is it these forms FORM J, FORM ID1A, FORM ID2 & FORM P.....????? OR JUST FORM J OR JUST FORMS ID1A AND 2.

in respect of replies to my emails - NO NOTHING other than the runaround from one dept to another......i dont think they know yet - or aren't prepared to commit to a comment.


okay thanks toon, hope you get a decent reply to your emails soon, with regard to the forms needed I have no idea, we definitely need to fill in the 1a and 2a but I dont understand about the others forms or even if they will be necessary.


just heard from an acquaintance that its obligatory to have the old residency certs replaced / renewed with the new ones.

It raises the question of how they intend to enforce it - especially as they had that obligation with the olde certs and cards too.


Hello everyone!!
I believe for those who already have the residence certificate, Form S is is the one to be completed. I do not believe forms ID1 and 2 are required. I have called the department for more info, i.e. how about minors who don't even have the current Maltese ID card but have the certificate(my son is 7), but no one is picking up. I will post more info soon (hopefully).


Form S appears to be for those who already have the permanent residence certificater (ie lived here for more than 5 years etc)

I think ID1 and 2 are required if you read the forms


I agree with georgeingozo, Form S is for those who have a permanent residence certificate after living here 5 years. I dont think they will be able to issue the new id/residency cards without us completing Forms 1A and 2A with a photograph so they must be compulsory, the confusing bit is which, if any, of the other forms need to be completed.


I think its one of A-S, plus the two ID forms


Yes, I agree, just not sure of which one

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