Hello from Wuhan

Just a quick note to say hi from Wuhan.  Have been here for almost five years but just ran across this site.  Sold all my crap in Canada and moved to Wuhan, with my wife, to accept a job teaching math at an international school and haven't looked back.  An avid biker, I own a Honda Wave and a Chang Jiang 750 sidecar motorcycle. I love driving in this city of 10 million with basically no traffic rules, at least none anybody takes seriously.  Will retire to Thailand in another year.  I love blogging about our adventures in China and elsewhere in Asia. 

China Canuck

Hi Steve,

Nice to know that your stay in Wuhan is more than your wishes and what interests me is your 'biking' interests and positively not 'maths'haha. Anyway, its Vikesh from KL another biker enthusiast, but do not own a bike yet in KL. Since am on a visit and the biking scenes at this end is infectious. This keeps my coming all the way from India time to time. wonder if you have been to this end. What's it about in Wuhan on bikes. Keen to learn. Your plans to settle in Thailand is by far the best decision made.

It was similar to you running into this blog site that made me so. Hence, looking forward to expanding networking and share interests. There's a Iron but ride from Melaka to Kuantan ride on the 1st May, unfortunately will be missing them , since i turned on my system bit late.

Looking forward to hearing from you. You could also reach me through this terrific website or alternatively on:icmp64_mrn@yahoo.com  will forward you my hand phone no. upon hearing from you.

Cheers and happy wheeling-you two!

Hi Steve,

Welcome to Expat.com! :)

Thanks for telling about your experience at maple Leaf Wuhan.

Have you ever had problems with being paid on time? Are you paid in Canadian or Chinese currency?


Maple Leaf is a very reputable system.  You are always paid on time. Every month you are asked how much money you want deposited in your Chinese bank account ie Chinese currency and how much you want put into your Canadian account (Canadian currency).


Thanks for your responses about Maple Leaf. I've received a contract for Tianjin, and have a few more days before I need  to sign. To be honest, I was excited to sign, but I'm trying to get some more details to help in my consideration, but the e-mail responses aren't coming as quickly now that they've sent me a contract. Should that be a concern?

Do you  know any one from that school and who might be willing to entertain some questions from me?